Sunday, November 30th, 2014
Stephan: How do you feel having the United States admonished by the U.N. for being a country with a police brutality problem that needs to be addressed? Is that the United States as you think it should be? I was angry and disgusted. The U.N. is right. I could fill SR every day with stories of children shot, pregnant women slammed to the ground, old men shot in their homes as the blackshirts break in at 2 a.m. in full military gear -- to the wrong house because of a typo on a piece of paper. Happily it has gotten so bad that I think ordinary people are finally pushing back.
The Department of Transportation reports that one out of five Americans have never flown on a commercial airliner. Youth and child rates are, of course, even higher. Net: a large part of the American population have never flown. They have little to no idea what people outside of the U.S. think about us. Those of us who have travelled have been watching the decline of affection and respect people have for America for more than 30 years, starting with the Viet Nam war.
Protesters march to LAPD headquarters during the National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality in Los Angeles, California October 22, 2014.
Credit: REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
The U.N. Committee against Torture urged the United States on Friday to fully investigate and prosecute police brutality and shootings of unarmed black youth and ensure that taser weapons are used sparingly.
The panel’s first review of the U.S. record on preventing torture since 2006 followed racially-tinged unrest in cities across the country this week sparked by a Ferguson, Missouri grand jury’s decision not to charge a white police officer for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager.
The committee decried “excruciating pain and prolonged suffering” for prisoners during “botched executions” as well as frequent rapes of inmates, shackling of pregnant women in some prisons and extensive use of solitary confinement.
Its findings cited deep concern about “numerous reports” of police brutality and excessive use of […]
Finalmente! Finally!