Nation’s Largest Food Bank Reduces Portions, Turns Away Needy After Massive Food Stamp Cuts

Stephan:  Thanks to the Republican Party -- to the three readers who wrote me this morning asking why I don't like the Republican Party, here is one part of my answer -- the food stamp program was gutted. It made hunger in the U.S. an even bigger crisis than usual. The hunger didn't go away of course, when the cretins of Congress cut off Federal support. It just transferred to the charities that have tried to fill the gap, as this report describes. The great irony here is that poor Whites in Red value states voted in the congresspeople who then legislated the policies that are making other poor White lives miserable. Most food stamp recipients are low income Whites. It is another example of the triumph of fear and hate politics funded by special interest groups seeking to manipulate those low-information voters who mostly watch Fox News and listen to Rightwing radio. As a marketing strategy it has proven incredibly successful, as a generator of public policies that create wellness, however, the Republican approach is a disaster. This is an objectively verifiable fact.
This is what foodbanks should be. This is the Good Cheer Food Bank on Whidbey Island, and the volunteer maintained organic garden that provides much of its produce to low income families and individuals.  Credit:

This is what foodbanks should be. This is the Good Cheer Food Bank on Whidbey Island, and the volunteer maintained organic garden that provides much of its produce to low income families and individuals.

Thanks to billions of dollars in food stamp cuts over the past year, the nation’s largest food bank has seen need jump so dramatically that it can’t keep up, the Food Bank For New York City (FBFNYC) announced Monday.

At least one facility out of every three that the FBFNYC operates, three have had to turn people away at some point in the past year. Almost two thirds have started giving out smaller amounts of food to try to stretch their resources, Al Jazeera America reports, as four out of five food bank locations reported a rising number of people coming in the door since last November’s food […]

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How to Arrive at the Best Health Policies

Stephan:  This is really good news. I have been arguing for outcome data based policies for years, as all SR readers know. If forge policy based on facts, and we make wellness the first priority, we can get through the coming catastrophe we have created -- climate change, the collapse of anti-biotic medicine, the failure of industrial chemical agriculture and husbandry. As long as profit is the only priority crisis and collapse will follow.
Credit: Tim Lahan/The New York Times

Credit: Tim Lahan/The New York Times

When the 48-year-old man from Oregon didn’t have insurance, he felt he had no place to go but the emergency room. The man, who has diabetes, went to the emergency room often when he suffered from kidney stones. “Emergency rooms, from what I understand, they can never turn you away,” he said. “I mean, you don’t have much options when you don’t have insurance.”

Then, when he enrolled in the state of Oregon’s Medicaid plan, that all changed. He started seeing doctors in their offices, and stayed away from the emergency room: “I have had five appointments with my primary, one with the diabetic because they had me go to a diabetic educator, and then an appointment with my pharmacist, and then he does a phone-in thing with me every two weeks.”

His […]

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Health Insurers Fight Republican Efforts to Repeal Affordable Care Act

Stephan:  The ACA -- Obamacare -- is a Rube Goldberg structure designed to keep the illness profit system going while providing nearly universal healthcare. It is certainly better in terms of health coverage, although still fatally flawed because the real point of the game remains profit, not wellness.  But the outcome data trend described in the preceding story will, eventually require that wellness be made the system goal.  But for now it is not surprisingly the insurance industry which dictated much of the law wants to keep the ACA in place. This report describes this trend very neatly.

In July, shortly after President Obama announced his plans to explore options to address the country’s immigration issues via executive order, House Speaker John Boehner announced that he would be suing the president. The suit, however, was not about immigration, but about the Affordable Care Act. By allowing the delay of certain provisions, Boehner felt that the president was essentially changing the law without Congress’ approval. In August, the House voted to move forward with the lawsuit.

As promised, the president announced those executive actions last week. Less than a day later, Boehner filed their lawsuit. It was somewhat surprising considering that the suit had had several delays, two law firms dropping the case, and it having absolutely no legal basis. Nevertheless, just a week after they secured the services of George Washington University legal professor Jonathan Turley, they filed their suit.

Most observers feel it has little chance of moving forward, but it’s just the latest in a long line of trying to destroy the law that has changed lives.

Republicans have been trying to stop the ACA since it was first drafted. They have made more than 50 attempts to repeal or otherwise alter […]

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Watch Home-Schooler Mom Go Through a Science Museum and Destroy Evolution

Stephan:  This article and the video that accompanies it are frankly appalling. And yet I know this woman's thinking mirrors the thinking of millions of other Americans. Tens of Millions. I think it is a real question whether a democracy can survive this level of willful ignorance.
Creationist Mom

Creationist Mom

In the video [3] embedded below, fundamentalist Christian home-school mom and conservative cultural critic Megan Fox (no relation to actress Megan Fox) visits the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago and purports to “audit” the museum for its “liberal bias.”

In the description of the 30-minute video she uploaded to YouTube to document the visit, Fox wrote, “In November 2014, Megan Fox toured the Field Museum’s ‘Evolving Earth’ exhibit to audit it for bias. She found many examples of inconsistencies and the Field Museum’s insistence that people support opinion as fact without proof. The Field Museum pushes certain theories as if they are absolute proven law when that is not how the scientific method works.”

Dangerous Minds wrote [4], “(S)he’s an idiot, she homeschools her kids and she’s a fucking dingbat with her own YouTube channel [5] so she can inflict her low IQ buffoonery [5] on everyone else.”

In the video’s opening moments, Fox is reading a display regarding the evolution of eukaryotes — which she has to ask her camera operator how to pronounce […]

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Next battle in the war on science The GOP Congress is ready to attack science agency funding in 2015

Stephan:  This is a good assessment of what is coming. In a Congress run by cretins and morons, is it any surprise that policy developments are moronic? The great irony is that the Red Value states who voted these men and women into office are going to be personally, massively, and negatively impacted by the policies their politicians implement. America is making itself second rate by choice. It is an amazing historically important trend that few talk about.
Credit: AP Photo

Credit: AP Photo

The war over science is heating up on Capitol Hill.

GOP House members have had little success reining in research agencies so far, but, emboldened by their growing majorities, they’re hoping for better luck next year. They plan to push proposals to cut funding for global warming and social science research, put strict new rules on the National Science Foundation’s grant-making process and overhaul how science informs policy making at the EPA.

At the same time, however, researchers and their advocates in the Democratic caucus are taking increasingly aggressive stances of their own: Rather than answer GOP objections one by one, or brush them off, they’re making a larger issue of what they see as heavy-handed interference based on ideology rather than methodology.

Indeed, some Republicans have already accused NSF of wasting millions on useless projects — even one that could be used to censor free speech, they say. House aides have been sent to NSF’s headquarters to comb documents for signs of bad decision making. And the Ebola epidemic unleashed a wave […]

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