The 14 Teens Killed by Cops Since Michael Brown

Stephan:  There is something deeply awry in our society, as this report shows. Just since Michael Brown was killed by Darren Wilson 14 teens have been killed by police. That's not all the people killed by police, just teens -- 14 of them. By way of comparison in 2013, 27 police officers were killed in the line of duty.
Credit: Shutterstock

Credit: Shutterstock

Since Ferguson, police have killed more than a dozen teenagers, half of them black. Some did nothing more than carry a BB gun.

Michael Brown’s death on August 9 was a nationwide wake-up call to the death-by-cop of young minority men at the hands of law enforcement. According to data stretching from 1999 to 2011, African Americans have comprised 26 percent of all police-shooting victims. Overall, young African Americans are killed by cops 4.5 times more often than people of other races and ages.

Since Brown’s death, at least 14 other teenagers—at least six of them African-American—have been killed by law enforcement in a variety of circumstances.

Tamir Rice

Tamir Rice wasn’t yet a teenager when he was killed on November 22 in a Cleveland, Ohio park. The 12-year-old boy was shot by a police officer after brandishing what turned out to be a BB gun. A call made to police beforehand described Rice as “a guy with a pistol” on a swing set, but said it was “probably fake.” When officers arrived […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Cat

Stephan:  Mr. Ban agrees with this.
Credit: Ali Jarekji/Reuters

Credit: Ali Jarekji/Reuters

Dog lovers will find it baffling that cats are the world’s most popular pet. After all, they’re passive-aggressive, emotionally unavailable, and known for their chilly independence—traits that at most qualify felines for the role of “man’s best frenemy.”

It turns out, though, there’s an evolutionary reason for this tense relationship. That is, cats are in many ways still wild.

“Cats, unlike dogs, are really only semi-domesticated,” says Wes Warren, professor of genetics Washington University and co-author of the first complete mapping (paywall) of the house cat genome—specifically, that of an Abyssinian named Cinnamon.

Comparing the DNA differences between house cats and wild cats, Warren and his colleagues found that where the genes of domesticated kitties and wild cats diverge has to do with fur patterns, grace, and docility. The latter are the genes that influence behaviors such as reward-seeking and response to fear.

The context for this […]

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Americans would rather adapt to extreme weather than curb climate change

Stephan:  This story depressed me today. The truth is I think only a great deal of pain and suffering is going to wake up the American public, and by then it will be far too late for much remediation. The tens of millions of dollars spent by carbon energy interests to create confusion, the arguably treasonous activities of Fox News and the Theocratic Rightist agit-prop machine, and the ignorance and lack of interest in democracy of American voters is creating a situation in which it is becoming increasingly certain nothing significant is going to be done except at the local level where interested citizens can still have some impact.
Mark Petrik and Dennis Smith dig out their south Buffalo driveway on Saturday, in Buffalo, N.Y. A new study found that Americans are more willing to adapt to extreme weather events, such as the record snowfall that buried Buffalo last week, than take steps to curb climate change.  Credit: Mike Groll/AP

Mark Petrik and Dennis Smith dig out their south Buffalo driveway on Saturday, in Buffalo, N.Y. A new study found that Americans are more willing to adapt to extreme weather events, such as the record snowfall that buried Buffalo last week, than take steps to curb climate change.
Credit: Mike Groll/AP

Scientists, policymakers, and activists been holding out hope that an increase in extreme weather events might prompt Americans to embrace policies that curb greenhouse-gas emissions. They may be waiting a long time, a new study suggests.

Americans generally may be more ready to adapt to extreme weather and climate events, which are projected to become more frequent with global warming, than to curb greenhouse-gas emissions […]

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Climate Change and Aliens?

Stephan:  This is what the Theocratic Right is reading and this is a prevalent point of view in that parallel fact free world. This is why I think there is little hope of a timely and effective response to any of the important issues our world faces. My advice to you my readers is to educate yourself as to what is happening in education, healthcare, and concerning climate change in your local community and then get involved at the local level and begin making preparations for what is coming.
Ken Ham Credit:

Ken Ham

What do climate change, evolution, and aliens have in common? Well, according to comments by the author of a study reported in Christian Today, evangelicals are hesitant to embrace science because we (supposedly) deny all these things. But is this true? Are creationists science-deniers?

Science vs. God’s Word?

The author of the study, Joshua Ambrosius, does what many evolutionists (such as Bill Nye) do when he wrongfully equates science with climate change and evolution, saying, “Evangelicals have been hesitant to recognize the discoveries of modern science—from evolutionary origins to climate change.” Notice how he claims evangelicals are supposedly hesitant to support science—but how did he get that? It’s because many people with a secular worldview believe science and God’s Word are incompatible, meaning they think that if someone disagrees with evolution or the secularist reasoning for why climates change, then they are against science. But this is simply untrue. Creationists are not against science! We love science. What we are against are the worldview-based interpretations of the evidence.

What we […]

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Professors Making $10,000 a Year? Academia Is Becoming a Profession Only the Elite Can Afford

Stephan:  One of the paradoxes of the extraordinary increase in college fees, is that the same colleges and universities charging these outrageous sums depend increasingly on the labor of low paid instructors. Everyone who went to college has some direct experience with adjunct professors teaching courses. I know that I have a number of readers in this category, and I also know what a hard time they have financially. This report spells out this state of affairs.