One of the worst things you can do to your body is feed it sugar – not necessarily natural sugar like the kind found in fruit, but refined sugar. A team of scientists from the University of California in San Francisco (UCSF) recently pored through more than 8 000 scientific papers on how sugar affects the body and came to the conclusion that it not only makes people fat but also makes them sick.
The project, which has been dubbed SugarScience, exposes sugar as a primary culprit in the formation of metabolic disease, which can lead to conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Lead author Laura Schmidt, a UCSF School of Medicine professor, says her team’s findings are comprehensible — sugar is highly toxic to the body and vital organs, including the liver.
According to their investigation, nearly three-quarters of all packaged and processed foods contain added sugar. This sugar is typically listed under 61 different names, including things like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), dextrose, evaporated cane juice and sucrose. It is often difficult to identify added sugar because of this, and current regulatory requirements don’t mandate that suggested daily values of both natural and added sugar be identified.
A full listing […]
It is beyond amazing and also downright underhanded that the companies that make any processed food add as much sugar or corn sweeteners to their products. I’ll give a few examples: Kellogg’s oat bran cereal containing more sugar that Frosted Flakes. granted bran can taste like sawdust, but people are thinking they are eating more healthy and they aren’t. the granola bars, the kids cereal, just things like pasta sauce. Plus it’s not such a good idea to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners. The need to have something sweet is still brought on by artificial sweeteners. Judicial use of honey, sorghum,stevia can help the sweet tooth. Another topic: simple carbs such as refined white flour. It’s turned into sugar almost immediately with one’s saliva. Fresh, organic, low carb diet is the way to go. Sugar intake is not much better, if any, than using tobacco.