Seed Libraries Fight for the Right to Share

Stephan:  If you don't have any interaction with growing food you probably don't think much about seeds or who controls them. But these little genetic packets are, in fact, the crucial leverage point that controls the outcome of every vegetable, fruit, or berry food you eat. That's why large corporations went after the seed business and, today, only three companies control virtually all the seeds used in the world, often buying long established and beloved companies changing the seeds but continuing to use their names without revealing who actually owns the companies. The only opposition to this monopolistic control are local citizen seed banks. Corporations hate them, and do everything in their power to get governments to severely limit this citizen movement. In spite of that however the banks persists, as this report outlines. I am a strong supporter of seed banks and if you can do anything to support one in your area please do so.
Amid government crackdown, seed libraries expand biodiversity and food access. Photo: Betsy Goodman of the Common Soil Seed Library.  Credit: Associated Press

Amid government crackdown, seed libraries expand biodiversity and food access. Photo: Betsy Goodman of the Common Soil Seed Library.
Credit: Associated Press

It’s easy to take seeds for granted. Tiny dry pods hidden in packets and sacks, they make a brief appearance as gardeners and farmers collect them for future planting then later drop them into soil. They are not “what’s for dinner,” yet without them there would be no dinner. Seeds are the forgotten heroes of food—and of life itself.

Sharing these wellsprings of sustenance may sound innocuous enough, yet this increasingly popular exchange—and wider seed access—is up against a host of legal and economic obstacles. The players in this surreal saga, wherein the mere sharing of seeds is under attack, range from agriculture officials interpreting seed laws, to powerful corporations expanding their proprietary and market control.

Seed libraries—a type of agricultural commons where […]

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Is Canada Turning into a Police State?

Stephan:  For most of its history many of us thought of Canada as a kind of Scandanavian country in North America. Tolerant, strong social safety net, environmentally sensitive. Unfortunately in the past decade, under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the public image and the reality have diverged radically. Three Canadian readers sent me this story accompanied by emails expressing their outrage about what is happening to their country. I share their feelings but, as in the U.S., I have also been forced to confront the reality that people vote the politicians who are doing this into office. The truth is both the U.S. and Canada seem to be filled with hysterical, fearful, hate-filled voters who seem to lack the cognitive ability to distinguish their scary fantasies from actual facts. As a result of the choices made by these voters Fascism is once again an issue.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Credit:

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Back in 2006, the newly elected Prime Minister of Canada, right-wing Conservative Stephen Harper warned that “You won’t recognize Canada when I’m through with it.” After nine grueling years, that’s already true in many ways. But now, Harper is going even further in his re-make of the country. Under new and pending legislation, Canada is moving rapidly towards the creation of a police state, with major curtailments of civil liberties. In recent weeks, the Harper Conservatives have introduced and/or passed several pieces of legislation that run roughshod over Canadians’ Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Constitutional rights, giving draconian powers to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).

There’s Bill C-13, the highly unpopular online spying legislation, which received Royal Assent on Dec. 9, 2014. The Bill allows warrantless internet surveillance through the collection by CSIS of Canadians’ everyday internet use. The Bill contains broad new police powers, including several new warrants for surveillance, tracking and gathering of bank information. […]

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Gov. Rick Scott’s anti-science purge begins: State employee banned for uttering ‘climate change’

Stephan:  Here is the latest on Governor Rick Scott and his attempt to rewrite the reality of his state by stopping people in government from talking about what is happening to Florida. It is an amazing story of climate change denial, and a measure of the disconnect between Republicans and reality. If you live in Florida this is what a majority of you voted for. Good luck.
Florida Governor Rick Scott Credit: Facebook

Florida Governor Rick Scott
Credit: Facebook

A Florida state employee has been reprimanded and told not to come to work after Gov. Rick Scott’s (R) administration banned the use of the terms “climate change” and “global warming.”

Earlier this month, reports said that officials in the Scott administration ordered Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) administrators not to use the terms in documents or meetings because they asserted that the climate science behind global warming was not a “true fact.”

According to the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), Scott’s ban claimed its first victim earlier this month.

A press release from PEER said that Barton Bibler, who works as DEP Land Management Plan Coordinator, had attended a Florida Coastal Managers Forum and took notes when attendees discussed climate change.

“Mr. Bibler’s official notes on this meeting reflected all of that discussion. He was directed to remove any hot button issues, especially explicit references to climate change, and then was given a letter of reprimand for supposedly misrepresenting […]

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A more tolerant America?


In the midst of endless stories of racism and hate, here is some good news, but read it carefully. It comes with a caveat.

MillenialsAs the nation’s headlines turn more and more to issues of tolerance—race, religion, free speech, same sex marriage—research by San Diego State University Psychology Professor Jean M. Twenge shows that Americans are actually more tolerant than ever before. (emphasis added)

In a paper released this month by the journal Social Forces, Twenge, along with Nathan T. Carter and Keith Campbell from the University of Georgia, found that Americans are now more likely to believe that people with different views and lifestyles can and should have the same rights as others, such as giving a speech or teaching at a college.

“When old social rules disappear, people have more freedom to live their lives as they want to, and Americans are increasingly tolerant of those choices,” said Twenge, who is also the author of “Generation Me.”

“This goes beyond well-known trends such as the increasing support for gay marriage. People are increasingly saying that it’s OK for those who are different to fully participate in the community and influence everyone else.”

Tolerance for different views

The researchers used data from the General Social Survey, a nationally […]

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Breastfeeding ‘linked to higher IQ’

Stephan:  Yet another study has just come out showing the benefits of breastfeeding. This one centers on the issue of IQ. Breastfeeding, particularly for the first six months of a baby's life, can hardly be overemphasized. It can change the entire course of an individual's life.
Breastfeeding mother Credit: BBC News (U.K.)

Breastfeeding mother
Credit: BBC News (U.K.)

A long-term study has pointed to a link between breastfeeding and intelligence.

The research in Brazil traced nearly 3,500 babies, from all walks of life, and found those who had been breastfed for longer went on to score higher on IQ tests as adults.

Experts say the results, while not conclusive, appear to back current advice that babies should be exclusively breastfed for six months.

But they say mothers should still have a choice about whether or not to do it. Advice remains that exclusive breastfeeding for around the first six months of life provides health benefits to babies,” says the Public Health Service in England

Regarding the findings – published in The Lancet Global Health – they stress there are many different factors other than breastfeeding that could have an impact on intelligence, although the researchers did try to rule out the main confounders, such as mother’s education, family income and birth weight.

Dr Bernardo Lessa Horta, from the Federal University of Pelotas in […]

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