If America Is Hell for Working Women, France Might Just Be Heaven

Stephan:  This is part of the Decline of the Middle Class Trend, and it makes me feel frustrated and angry. I am so tired of these negative trends, and the fact that this is occurring because people vote again and again against their own self-interest is just maddening.

prime_age_labor_force_participation.png.CROP.promovar-mediumlargeBy global standards, the United States used to be a great country for working women. But these days, we look hopelessly behind the times. As the White House noted in a recent economic report, American women between the ages of 25 and 54, which are considered an adult’s prime career years, are now less likely to be employed or on the job market than women in much of the developed world. On that score, we’re closer to Japan, a country still trying to overcome its history of hostility toward women in the workplace, than we are to Canada or Europe.

The picture doesn’t improve much if you broaden it out. According to the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, there were at least 18 rich countries where prime-age women were more likely to be employed than the United States in 2013, the last year with data. Aside from South Korea, which has a strong patriarchal culture, we were faring better than Greece, Italy, Spain, and Ireland—countries that were still digging their way out of […]

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The remarkable archaeological underwater discovery that could open up a new chapter in the study of European and British prehistory

Stephan:  Having spent a good part of my life finding archaeological sites that have become submerged over time I knew that there was a lot of human history lost in the coastal regions throughout the world. With new techniques it is being discovered, as this story reveals, and the stories it will tell will change our world.
Scientific tests suggest that a major aspect of the Neolithic agricultural revolution may have reached Britain 2000 years earlier than previously thought. Credit: The Independent (U.K.)

Scientific tests suggest that a major aspect of the Neolithic agricultural revolution may have reached Britain 2000 years earlier than previously thought.
Credit: The Independent (U.K.)

Remarkable new archaeological discoveries are likely to completely rewrite a key part of British prehistory.

Scientific tests suggest that a major aspect of the Neolithic agricultural revolution may have reached Britain 2000 years earlier than previously thought.

The research – carried out by scientists at the universities of Bradford, Birmingham and Warwick – reveal that wheat, probably already ground into flour, was being used at a Mesolithic Stone Age site in around 6000 BC.

The discovery – just published in the academic journal, Science – is likely to be viewed with some degree of consternation by many archaeologists  because it completely  changes accepted views of what happened in Britain (and indeed […]

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The Inside Story Of How Citizens United Has Changed Washington Lawmaking

Stephan:  I believe that history will record the Citizens United decision as the point in time from which to date the transmutation of American democracy into something quite different. What form will it take? I don't think voting is going to end,  What I see is that the form will continue with limitations. For one thing, unless socially progressive people can get millions who have previously not done so to vote, the Supreme Court's gutting of the Voting Rights Act will result in a smaller more conservative electorate. To this must be added the almost never discussed role of neuroscience in politics. A large part of the money that is flooding into our political process is being spent to tune media by using psychophysiological response processes to produce a desired behavior. Five ideologues created an environment in which unlimited sums could be spent to manipulate a limited electorate. Is it successful? That's why you see people routinely voting against their own self-interest.  
Credit: minutemennews.com

Credit: minutemennews.com

When Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy cast the deciding vote to gut a century of campaign finance law, he assured the public that the unlimited corporate spending he was ushering in would “not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption.” Because those authorized to give and spend unlimited amounts were legally required to remain independent of the politicians themselves, Kennedy reasoned, there was no cause for concern.

Just five years later, in a development that may be surprising only to Justice Kennedy, the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision is reshaping how, how much and to whom money flows in Washington.

How the flood of money released by Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission has changed elections has been the subject of much discussion, but the decision’s role in allowing that same money to soak the legislative process has largely gone unreported. According to an extensive review of public documents held by the FEC, the U.S. Senate and the Internal Revenue Service, as well as interviews with lobbyists and policymakers, Kennedy’s […]

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Poll: 49 Percent of Republicans Do Not Believe in Evolution; 57 Per cent believe Christianity SHould be Made the State Religion

Stephan:  Thanks to careful manipulation of fear, racism, and religious fundamentalism, the Republican Party has been turned into something not previously seen in the United States — a theocratic, anti-intellectual rightist movement. It is not the Republican party of either Abraham Lincoln or Dwight Eisenhower, and the implications for the country are rather grim.

Rightwing-demonstrationThere’s a new Public Policy Polling poll out identifying Scott Walker as the top Republican pick among their presidential maybe-candidates. But some of the other poll results among self-identified Republicans are doozies. For example:

• 49 percent of Republicans say they do not believe in evolution. Only 37 percent say they do.

• 66 percent of Republicans say they do not believe in global warming. Mind you, even the most science-denying Republicans in Congress have said they “believe” in global warming, they just don’t think we should do anything about it. Their base has not yet reached this enlightened state.

• 57 percent of Republicans would support establishing Christianity as our “national religion.” (emphasis added)

So it would seem that Scott Walker indeed has the conservative id pegged, and that Republican candidates seeking primary frontrunner status will indeed need to learn to embrace a base that at this point has become very conspicuously stupid. People for whom even the basic sciences are conspiracies if it goes against what they would rather believe to be true. People who love America very, very much, but […]

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New Colorado report details recreational marijuana’s first year

Stephan:  I was at dinner the other night and spoke with a prominent physician who I think is considerably more conservative then me, and who feels marijuana is dangerous, although he was willing to concede that there was some indication that medical marijuana might do some good in certain limited cases. I asked him what he thought the impact of legalization in Washington had been? Had he seen anything that stood out for him negatively on the island? After a moment's thought he said, he hadn't seen any impact and thus didn't know how to answer. Nothing seemed to have changed. That has also been my experience. We have two recreational outlets, and two medical outlets. None seems to draw a crowd, I read nothing in the paper about them anymore, and haven't heard anyone talking about them recently. Like same-sex marriage the story is there is no story, in the sense of disaster or crisis. Readers in Colorado have written to tell me the same thing, and this report seems to confirm it in detail.  All the prohibitionist hysteria has turned out to be just that: hysteria. I suspect it will be the same in Oregon and Alaska. And by the next election that the entire Western United States will have legalized, and it will be clear that as with alcohol and dry states, prohibition is a bias, not a fact-based position.
Denver Relief marijuana business

Credit: Denver Post

Nearly 5 million marijuana-infused edibles and almost 150,000 pounds of cannabis flower were purchased in legal Colorado stores and dispensaries in 2014, yet only 67 of Colorado’s 321 total jurisdictions allow the sale of medical and recreational pot, according to an encompassing and unprecedented new report from the state.

The Marijuana Enforcement Division’s first annual report, issued Friday, is one of the most important documents to date in Colorado’s marijuana experiment because it’s the first to give complete, state-sanctioned statistics on what marijuana looked like in its first full year of recreational sales.

“The Marijuana Enforcement Division feels that it is imperative to remain transparent on such a highly publicized issue in Colorado,” Lewis Koski, director of the Marijuana Enforcement Division, said in a statement. “It is the goal of MED to ensure that information of this nature is made available so that the public can fully understand the scope and nature of this newly regulated industry.”

There’s a lot to learn about “the scope and nature” of marijuana in Colorado. Some […]

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