Congress Passes Measure to Allow Selling off National Forests and Other Public Lands

Stephan:  It is the intention of the Republican Party to see that America's heritage of national forests be sold for a pittance, or just given away to a small group of corporations. This is so shameful I am amazed that that is not the lead story of the news cycle. But the corporate media doesn't really seem to think the issue is of much importance, so it doesn't get much coverage. As someone who has had some of his most lovely and moving memories happen in national parks and forests, while backpacking, hiking, and rock climbing, the idea that my children and grandchildren might be denied access to these wilderness lands, or would have to pay large fees to gain entrance to them is very upsetting. Perhaps you feel the same. This is entirely a Republican effort. Here is a good description of what is going on.
Cleveland National Forest,  Credit: National Forest Service

Cleveland National Forest,
Credit: National Forest Service

The Republican-controlled House and Senate have passed measures that would allow the sale or outright giveaway of most public lands –including national forests, federal wildernesses and  wildlife preserves and Bureau of Land Management properties.  Only Republicans voted for the language slipped into a non-binding budget resolution—which passed without a single Democratic vote. (emphasis added)

The shocking news is revealed in a New York Times editorial by Will Rogers, president of the Trust for Public Lands, titled “Our Land, Up for Grabs.”

While it’s unlikely that President Barack Obama would support such an extreme measure, if a Republican president is elected in 2016 and Republicans maintains control of both houses of Congress, losing our cherished public lands such could be a very real possibility.

Here in San Diego County alone, that could mean the demise of:  Cleveland National Forest,  Otay Mountain Wildnerness, Hauser Wilderness, Pine Creek , Carrizo Gorge, Sawtooth Mountains Wilderness , Agua Tibia Wilderness,

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Have We Passed the Point of No Return on Climate Change?

Stephan:  Have we reached the tipping point on climate change? Here is a fact based answer. Personally, as I read the data, we have passed the tipping point, by which I mean that while we may still be able to marginally modulate the severity of the  impact, we can no longer stop climate change from happening.
If we don't get our carbon emissions in check soon, it could be too late for the polar bear and many other species impacted by global warming. Credit: Gregory Smith/FlickrCC

If we don’t get our carbon emissions in check soon, it could be too late for the polar bear and many other species impacted by global warming.
Credit: Gregory Smith/FlickrCC

Dear EarthTalk: What is the best way to measure how close we are to the dreaded “point of no return” with climate change? In other words, when do we think we will have gone too far? David Johnston, via

While we may not yet have reached the “point of no return”—when no amount of cutbacks on greenhouse gas emissions will save us from potentially catastrophic global warming—climate scientists warn we may be getting awfully close. Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution a century ago, the average global temperature has risen some 1.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Most climatologists agree that, while the warming to date is already causing environmental problems, another 0.4 degree Fahrenheit rise in temperature, representing a global average atmospheric concentration of carbon […]

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Survey: Nearly 9 In 10 US Adults Now Have Health Insurance

Stephan:  Here, in my view is some excellent news. I had dinner tonight with a good friend who developed a kind of radiation poisoning in Afghanistan as a result of being exposed to the depleted uranium rounds fired by the U.S. military during the course of working with an NGO to help displaced Afghans, particularly women. Until Obamacare she could not get health insurance. now she can. And so could millions of other Americans, who now have coverage.

As recently as 2013, slightly more than 8 out of 10 had coverage.

Whether the new number from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index turns out to be a high-water mark for President Barack Obama’s health care law, or a milestone on the path toward his goal of getting virtually all U.S. residents covered, remains to be seen.

The law’s future is still up in the air, and will turn on factors ranging from an upcoming Supreme Court decision on consumer subsidies to actions by Republican leaders in states opposed to Medicaid expansion.

The Gallup-Healthways survey found that the share of adults who lack insurance dropped to 11.9 percent for the first three months of this year, the lowest level since that survey began its tracking in 2008. The latest update overlaps with the period when the health law’s second sign-up season was winding down.

Coverage gains from 2014-2015 translate to […]

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Nestlé’s California Water Permit Expired 27 Years Ago

Stephan:  You have probably already heard that in the midst of California's drought, Nestlé is making millions bottling and selling California's water in little plastic bottles. It turns out the story is even more startling than that, as this report describes.
 The fact that Nestlé has continued its massive water-bottling operation while the state struggles with crippling water shortages has become a sticking point for activists.  Credit: Steven Depolo/Flickr

The fact that Nestlé has continued its massive water-bottling operation while the state struggles with crippling water shortages has become a sticking point for activists.
Credit: Steven Depolo/Flickr

Last month, California newspaper The Desert Sun published an investigation revealing that Nestlé Water’s permit to transport water across the San Bernardino National Forest for bottling has been expired since 1988. On Friday, the California Forest Service announced it would make it “a priority” to reassess the permit, and that it might impose as-of-yet unspecified “interim conditions” on the bottling operation in light of the severe drought, The Desert Sun reports.

The fact that Nestlé has continued its massive water-bottling operation while the state struggles with crippling water shortages has become a sticking point for activists. A petition demanding Nestlé immediately stop bottling and profiting off California […]

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The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050

Stephan:  Here is real data concerning the future of religion. This is a well designed, well-executed, well analysed study, the best data I have seen on this subject, and I found it fascinating. Just consider this: The number of Christians and Muslims will be nearly equal. From that flows this: How do you think the Arab-Iranian world will feel about the U.S. in the future? Bear in mind that in the Arab Muslim culture the 12th century Christian crusades are still an open wound. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their Necon troops changed not just some immediate events, but the course of history in long range geo-political terms. By injecting ourselves into the Muslim reformation struggle between the Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims, an historical process in which we should have played no part, we have created a mill that grinds out terrorists and terrorism. We created ISIS, we created the Boston bombers, and the longer these wars go on, the more terror recruits there will be. There are always dangerous people willing to die to make a statement.  Bone-headed ignorance and greed suddenly brought them to the fore and this is why the world is so dangerous. And finally: What will be the cultural consensus in the U.S. when there are more Muslims than Jews, and Christians are declining? The entire report can, and should, be downloaded and carefully read. Religion or its absence is going to be a powerful factor in determining how the world works. It will affect you, your kids, and their kids.

Why Muslims Are Rising Fastest and the Unaffiliated Are Shrinking as a Share of the World’s Population


The religious profile of the world is rapidly changing, driven primarily by differences in fertility rates and the size of youth populations among the world’s major religions, as well as by people switching faiths. Over the next four decades, Christians will remain the largest religious group, but Islam will grow faster than any other major religion. If current trends continue, by 2050 …

  • The number of Muslims will nearly equal the number of Christians around the world.
  • Atheists, agnostics and other people who do not affiliate with any religion – though increasing in countries such as the United States and France – will make up a declining share of the world’s total population.
  • The global Buddhist population will be about the same size it was in 2010, while the Hindu and Jewish populations will be larger than they are today.
  • In Europe, Muslims will make up 10% of the overall population.
  • India will retain a Hindu majority but also will have the largest Muslim population of any country in the world, surpassing Indonesia.
  • In the United […]
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