Saturday, April 11th, 2015
Travis Gettys, - The Raw Story
Stephan: Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal personify the politics of hate and fear that have taken over the Republican Party. Ted Cruz is not stupid, nor is Jindal, both men were educated at top tier universities.What they are is morally bankrupt. Hate mongers who play on fear and prejudice. These kind of people are always present in any society, what makes them important at this moment is that this is the level of politician being promoted by the Republicans. These are the kind of people the Republicans put forward for the Presidency. It tells you something very sad about the decline of America, and that is why I chose to feature this article.
Senator Ted Cruz
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) accused gay Americans of waging “jihad” against Christians by opposing anti-LGBT religious freedom laws.
The Republican presidential candidate made the remarks Thursday at an Iowa homeschool forum hosted by conservative radio broadcaster Steve Deace, a highly influential figure in the state’s GOP primaries who regularly complains about the “rainbow jihad.
“You look at the jihad that is being waged right now in Indiana and Arkansas, going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman,” Cruz said.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a rumored GOP presidential candidate, also appeared at the event to denounce an unholy alliance “assaulting the rights of Christians.”
“We saw a very unusual alliance this week,” Jindal said. “We saw an alliance between Hollywood elites and corporate America assaulting the right of Christians who don’t want to choose between our faith, our sincerely held beliefs, and our ability to run our businesses.”
“We need to remind these elites, America did not create […]
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Stephan: This is how bizarre the corporatist Theocratic Right has become about climate change. Apart from the factual nonsense of the denier arguments, what struck me about this, following Florida as it does, is how childish it is. It reminds me of a friend of one of my daughters. She would put her fingers in her ear, and go "Nah...Nah...Nah, I can't hear you" over and over.
Watching the transformation of Wisconsin from a socially progressive state with high citizen happiness to what it has become is a very sad chapter in American politics. I wonder how long it will go on.
Credit: Katherine Welles/Shutterstock
Members of a Wisconsin state agency can no longer do any work involving climate change. They cannot discuss climate change. They can’t even — I kid you not — answer emails about climate change.
Looks like Florida’s
ban on the words “climate change” and “global warming” is spawning some politically motivated imitators.
Wisconsin’s Board of Commissioners of Public Lands, a three-person committee overseeing an agency that is itself tasked with overseeing some of Wisconsin’s public lands, as well helping to fund school libraries, voted Tuesday to enact the ban, Bloomberg reports.
The prohibition on “engaging in global warming or climate change work while on BCPL time,” said state treasurer Matt Adamczyk, a Republican who sits on the board, is nothing but an attempt to cut down on government spending. “It’s not a part of our sole mission, which is to make money for our beneficiaries,” he explained. “That’s what I want our employees working on. That’s it. Managing our trust funds.”
But others are suspicious of Adamczyk’s motives, to say the least, describing it […]
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Elizabeth Fraser and Anuradha Mittal, - Truthout
Stephan: SR has been covering the Seed Trend for over a decade watching six companies basically take over the seed business. If you don't garden or farm seeds are probably not a big issue in your life. Maybe they should be, because controlling seeds is one way to control what you eat. Seeds are one of civilization's leverage points. Here is the latest.
Our global food system continues to be dominated by agribusiness giants, who use their power to quash legislation designed to protect consumer and farmer interests, with little demonstration of the benefits of their genetically modified products.
Credit: Seeds/Shutterstock
For most of history, farmers have had control over their seeds: saving, sharing, and replanting them with freedom. Developments in the course of the 20th century, however, have greatly eroded this autonomy. Legal changes, ranging from the Plant Variety Protection Act (1970) in the United States to the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), have systematically eroded farmers’ rights to save seeds for future use. By the end of 2012, Monsanto had sued 410 farmers and 56 small farm businesses in the United States for patent infringement, winning over $23 million in settlements. […]
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Carimah Townes, - Think Progress
Stephan: This report should outrage you. As you read it remember that in the United Kingdom in 2014 British police officers pulled their weapons and fired three — that's right, 3 — shots. That's fewer shots than there were wounds on Michael Brown's or Walter Scott's bodies.
It should be pointed out that this carnage is occurring in the United States that has seen a sharp decrease in crime, particularly violent crime.
Credit: Shutterstock
In March alone, 111 people died during police encounters — 36 more than the previous month. As in the past, numerous incidents were spurred by violent threats from suspects, and two officers were shot in Ferguson during a peaceful protest. However, the deaths follow a national pattern: suspects were mostly people of color, mentally ill, or both.
Conversations about police procedurals and officer misconduct were also front and center last month, due in large part to the Department of Justice’s damning report of racial discrimination and unlawful activity in Ferguson’s police department. Although the incident occurred last January, video of officers brutally beating an unarmed Floyd Dent — and allegedly framing him for drug possession — also circulated the internet in March — raising questions about police corruption in Detroit.
In response to mounting criticism of police tactics and conduct, lawmakers have also considered withholding information about officers to avoid backlash and protect cops’ identity. On Monday, Gov. Doug Ducey (R-AZ) vetoed a bill that would […]
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Stephen Smith, - The Watchers
Stephan: Here is another fascinating insight into the physics of our universe.
Asteroid 433 Eros from NEAR-Shoemaker on its way to touchdown
In September 1998 astrophysicists documented an inexplicable “tug” acting on the now defunct Ulysses spacecraft as it traveled through the Solar System in an orbit over the Sun’s poles. When radio signals from Earth were returned from an onboard transponder, Ulysses exhibited an anomalous acceleration toward the Sun. A Doppler shift in the frequency of the return transmission indicated a variance greater than could be accounted for by known mechanisms—as of today, no one in the conventional science community can provide a solid explanation for it.
NASA scientists also determined that both of the Pioneer spacecraft are off course by more than a hundred thousand kilometers. At this time, there is no explanation for the navigational deviation, so many speculations are offered about what “mysterious” forces could be acting on the most distant of artificial objects. They include: multidimensional bent space, dark energy, and “dark matter friction”. Other ironic theories such […]
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