U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks about the Ukraine crisis after his meetings with other foreign ministers in Paris, March 5, 2014. Kerry spoke to reporters at the U.S. ambassador’s residence in Paris.
Credit: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque
A big new State Department assessment has identified a major threat to global security. It’s not ISIS or Vladimir Putin. It’s not a rickety global economy or climate change or the threat of global pandemics.
Instead, the report argues, these individual problems are symptoms of a much bigger issue — namely, a slow breakdown in global governance. Many of the institutions that were created in the past century to deal with economic and security risks around the world, such as the UN and IMF, may no longer be adequate to the task.
If the authors of […]
The post-war institutions will be replaced by new ones better able to deal with the present situation.
This is sheer propaganda. While it is true that global institutions are frayed, the real culprit here is the US with its drive to conquer the world and gather up all the natural resources. How clever to blame the institutions (except for those like NATO that back the US completely) that the US has never truly supported. Has the US signed most of the UN agreements that would force them to come into line with the rest of the world? No. I am not surprised that you find this piece agreeable since your comments often err on squishy side.