Stephan: I want to be clear. Senator James Inhofe is not alone. Here is a story from Australia about an advisor to the Prime Minister that is right up there with Jade Helm 15. This is data point indicating we will not make an appropriate response to climate change around the world.
This is also a geopolitical fulcrum point. It is going to become obvious pretty quickly which countries have made proper preparations and which have not. The water issues, the extreme weather events, the ecosystem break down are going to sort out human societies in a never before experienced way. And that is going to change the world order.
The thing one always has to bear in mind is that one of the great trends is that the 0.01% are no longer geographically bounded, and have only marginal national affliation. Nor are the companies they control. Companies like Monsanto or Apple or Facebook are not American any longer really.
If you were part of the 0.01% think for a moment about how you would see the world. National allegiance might still have a nostalgic emotional pull, in the way one might have an affection for favorite vacation. Then also imagine it becomes linked with the Homo Superior Trend as it will, and a new genetically engineered dominate subspecies Homo Superior emerges. From that perspective of such a person a planetary 21st century feudal system might be very attractive and for many will even seem appropriate — a proportionally tiny global aristocracy and nobility, provincial gentries, a large peasantry, and a proportionally small professional and business middle class. I can already see data points on this trend taking form.
Credit: Australian Bureau of Meterology
The climate-change-as-new-world-order-conspiracy trope is going strong south of the equator, with the chairman of Australia’s Business Advisory Council claiming that climate science is filled with “dud predictions.” Maurice Newman, who previously served as chancellor of Macquarie University and headed up the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, expressed his views in an opinion piece (subscriber only) published Friday in The Australian.
”The real agenda is concentrated political authority,” Newman wrote. “Global warming is the hook. It’s about a new world order under the control of the UN.”
Newman was appointed by Prime Minister Tony Abbott to chair the Business Advisory Council and has been a longtime critic of climate science. Although Australia Environment Minister Greg Hunt said Newman’s views were “not something I would express,” according to the BBC, Prime Minister Abbott famously called climate science “crap” back in 2009. When his Liberal Party came to power in 2013, it immediately repealed the carbon tax enacted by the previous government.
In his editorial, Newman made a number of incorrect assertions, […]
Some of this is right-wing crazy making. They know that a lot of people think that logic should prevail, so they say things that are totally stupid to get progressives to waste their time stewing about what they say. The best thing we can do is to adjust our own lives to deal with the changes that are affecting us.