NEW YORK — In an important research that could lead to the development of vaccine to prevent one of the most prevalent diseases of our time – Type-2 diabetes, US researchers have found that toxins produced by a bacterium may cause the disease. The researchers found that prolonged exposure to a toxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria causes rabbits to develop the hallmark symptoms of Type-2 diabetes, including insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and systemic inflammation.
“We basically reproduced Type-2 diabetes in rabbits simply through chronic exposure to the staph superantigen,” said lead researcher Patrick Schlievert, professor at University of Iowa in the US.The findings suggest that therapies aimed at eliminating staph bacteria or neutralising the superantigens – toxins produced by all strains of staph bacteria – might have potential for preventing or treating Type 2 diabetes.
“I think we have a way to […]
>>toxins produced by a bacterium ***may*** cause the disease.
My emphasis. Type 2 is caused by fat toxicity of the liver, kidneys and other organs. Look at the SAD (standard American diet) Ever notice how many obese and overweight people are attending Yasgur’s farm in 1969 for the folk concert at Woodstock, NY? Exactly, preen your eyeballs because even though the film is B & W, there seem to be no fat peeps there.
For years doctors have looked at our blood sugar when we had type 2 and saw excess sugar, so they believed that the diet was excessive in sugar yes, but the latest cutting edge science states that it’s the fat.