Are we all in denial or is it simply impossible to save enough for retirement? Is it some kind of toxic combination of the two? Whatever the reason, yet another study – this one from no less an authority than the non-partisan US government accountability office (GAO) – is here to remind us that we’re woefully unprepared, financially speaking, for retirement. While we may all have dreams about how we’d like to spend our retirement years – fishing, golfing, writing that great American novel – the truth is that as many as half of all households with Americans 55 and older have no retirement savings at all. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Not a dime.
And the news gets worse, the GAO reports. Because households headed by older Americans that don’t have retirement savings like 401(k) plans or IRA accounts also are less likely to have other sources […]
A lot of my family has lived to be about 90. I figure I’d need at least a million dollars in saving to cover me if I retired now. Don’t have it. Like many Americans I haven’t had a raise in real terms for more than a decade. On the other hand, I think retirement is one of the false gods we worship. It’s common for men to die a few years after they retire, I think because they no longer have a purpose in life. Men’s lives are defined by their work. Take that away, what do you have? We need to change to thinking that we’ll do something to make money as long as we can.