“The study demonstrates that corruption goes hand-in-hand with excessive state spending. In the 10 most corrupt states, simply reducing corruption to an average level would lower annual state spending by $1,308 per person — or 5.2 percent of state expenditures.”
Unsurprisingly, the South leads the pack in the most corrupt states, with Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky and Florida appearing in the top ten. Alaska (Bridge to Nowhere, anyone?) shares the spotlight.
The northwest states of Oregon and Washington top the list of least corrupt states.
image: http://tftppull.freethoughtllc.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/states-average-corruption-ranking.png
Researchers created a “corruption index” by examining more than 25,000 convictions spanning 32 years for violations of federal anti-corruption laws, then comparing this to the number […]