“Get rid of gun free zones,” Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump tweeted after a gunman massacred five in Chattanooga last month. “Gun-free zones an easy target for killers” an opinion headline on Fox News read after a white supremacist shot up a black South Carolina church and killed nine. Conservative sites also blamed gun-free zones after massacres at multiple movie theaters and other shootings.
If conservatives are so convinced that gun-free zones attract killers, then why do so many conservative places and events ban guns?
Across the country, from conservative confabs to Republican presidential libraries and even to gun shows, loaded weapons are frequently prohibited. When an explanation is given, the reason is invariably for the safety of visitors.
Here is a list of some of those conservative places that ban loaded guns:
Gun Shows- Perhaps the most surprising conservative venue that bans loaded weapons are gun shows. Crossroads Gun Show, which tours across the country, explained why even concealed carry permit holders can’t bring loaded weapons into the event: “Safety is our Number One Priority, and […]
My apologies for posting twice, I noticed my email was typed wrong, so I re-submitted my post.
You have obviously never been to a gun show. With people like you running around spewing this insane notion that unarmed people are safe in a society where there is moral decay, lack of opportunity for many, high concentrations of mind altering prescription and non prescription drug use, the people who belive that security is best and most quickly applied closest to the controversial event cannot afford to have an incident at the place where they are still legally and lawfully allowed to prepare themselves for walking around in the world aforementioned. If you HAD been to a gun show, you would note that these events ALL have ARMED police officers working the event. Any physical attack by someone during the event would be met with assuredly equal and albeit lethal and legal force. The events I have attended are some of the most polite and organized of any I have attended. Guns are allowed to be brought into the event, but are inspected and made temporarily inoperable by staff before allowing entry. Most guns brought to the show are for sale or trade. You will change your mind on this subject when you have been in a situation where a person goes bonkers endangering the lives of yourself and those around you and is quickly stopped by someone exercising their rights to be armed. I carry a weapon because a cop is too heavy. I hope I can save your life someday from the effects of the breakdown in society. We need more people like yourself that care about others. The only thing I ask is that you reconsider your position on disarming the innocent. Unfortunately, in order to give the innocent the teeth they need to defend themselves against ‘bad actors’, we must make available to many, the very weapons many times used against them. This is an irony you will only be able to work out by realizing an unarmed populace is a vulnerable populace. Increased policing is not the answer, as we have seen in recent years, the police have been found to not always be on your side. If you want an increased ‘police state’ type of country, go ahead and ban guns. That way the only place you will be safe will be where there is someone there watching over you. Do you want that?
I am sorry, Micalis, but as Stephan says, you are missing the big picture. If you would look at the world-wide statistics, more guns means more violence, even in the hands of police who are only human after all. Ignorance is it’s own punishment; wisdom is it’s own reward.
Ignorance if it’s own punishment, wisdom is it’s own reward…
Despite national attention to the issue of firearm violence, most Americans are unaware that gun crime is lower today than it was two decades ago. According to a new Pew Research Center survey, today 56% of Americans believe gun crime is higher than 20 years ago and only 12% think it is lower.