“It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for President or being elected President. And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. Senators and congress members. So, now we’ve just seen […]
Alabama officials are currently seeking to prevent a pregnant prison inmate from obtaining a legal abortion by stripping her of her parental rights, in a case where a lawyer has been appointed to represent the interests of her fetus.
An unnamed woman, who is referred to in court documents only as Jane Doe, is asking for permission to travel to Huntsville to end her pregnancy. She says she was unable to get an abortion before she was taken into custody and is now feeling desperate. “I am very distraught, and do not want to be forced to carry this pregnancy to term,” she wrote.
Jane Doe — who has to get permission from the court to be transported to the nearest clinic because prison officials consider abortion to be a non-emergency procedure — is being represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, which argues that it would be “cruel and unusual punishment” for the state of Alabama to deny her constitutional right to abortion.
Now, as Lauderdale County District Attorney […]
If you want to use solar power, but can’t install solar panels, the new SunPort gadget aims to make going solar easy and affordable.
Although residential solar is getting cheaper and cheaper all the time, it’s not for everyone, yet choosing renewable energy doesn’t always have to require a huge financial commitment, or even a rooftop. Instead of generating solar energy onsite with a solar array, a new solar delivery model, called SunPort, uses a small gadget that plugs into a standard wall socket and allows users to choose solar power on demand.
The SunPort device and its accompanying app uses Internet of Things (IoT) technology to track how much grid electricity you’re using through it, and then automatically purchases solar microcredits (called SunJoules) through the nonprofit ReChoice. These solar microcredits are formed by breaking up larger Solar Renewable Certificates (S-RECs) into increments small enough to be used for an individual’s electricity usage. This system allows SunPort users to upgrade their use of grid electricity to the consumption of clean renewable solar energy […]
Chronic marijuana use as an adolescent has no link to mental or physical health problems later in life, according to a new study conducted over the past 20 years. (emphasis added)
Published by the American Physiological Association, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Rutgers University divided participants into four groups from their teenage years onward.
One group almost never smoked marijuana, one used it mostly in their teenage years, another started using in adulthood and the final group of subjects started using marijuana early and continued into their adult years.
There had been some evidence to suggest that regular marijuana use among teenagers was linked to mental problems such as depression and schizophrenia. Indeed, lead researcher Jordan Bechtold was expecting to find similar results and said what they discovered was “a little surprising.”
The study found that “chronic marijuana users were not more likely than late increasing users, adolescence-limited users, or low/nonusers to experience several physical or mental health problems in their mid-30s.”
In fact, there were no significant differences between marijuana trajectory groups in terms of adult health […]