Pesticides in paradise: Hawaii’s spike in birth defects puts focus on GM crops

Stephan:  Our inability to control the GMO industrial agriculture technology and the toxins required to make it work is a show case example illustrating how the interests of corporate profits trump those of ordinary people living in the area.  I confess I am surprised that Hawaii a state isolated from all others cannot seem to muster the political will to end this craziness.
After four separate attempts to rein in the companies failed, an estimated 10,000 people marched through Honolulu’s Waikiki tourist district.  Credit: Christopher Pala for the Guardian

After four separate attempts to rein in the companies failed, an estimated 10,000 people marched through Honolulu’s Waikiki tourist district.
Credit: Christopher Pala for the Guardian

Pediatrician Carla Nelson remembers catching sight of the unusually pale newborn, then hearing an abnormal heartbeat through the stethoscope and thinking that something was terribly wrong.

The baby was born minutes before with a severe heart malformation that would require complex surgery. What worried her as she waited for the ambulance plane to take the infant from Waimea, on the island of Kauai, to the main children’s hospital in Honolulu, on another Hawaiian island, was that it was the fourth one shehad seen in three years.

In all of Waimea, there have been at least nine in five years, she says, shaking her head. That’s more than 10 times the national rate, according to analysis by local doctors.

Nelson, […]

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New Schools, Less Crime: Colorado Sees Benefits Of Marijuana Legalization

Stephan:  I keep monitoring marijuana legalization, and this report is the latest. At the personal level, living in a state where it is legal, my individual subjective experience is that like the jeremiads about gay marriage loudly proclaimed by conservatives marijuana legalization is an issue without any actual negative substance. Gay marriage has not had any effect on heterosexual marriage, just as marijuana legalization has had no important negative effects on society. In both instances rather the contrary. From my perspective except for some new marijuana shops that have popped up, and some job creation there is no there, there. The truth is the hysteria of the Right about these issues is principally a commentary on their own prejudices, hate, and ignorance.
Matthew Huron examining a marijuana plant in his grow house. Credit: Ed Andriesk/APi

Matthew Huron examining a marijuana plant in his grow house.
Credit: Ed Andriesk/APi

DENVERColorado’s successful experiment in marijuana legalization is bringing in millions of dollars of revenue per month while simultaneously benefiting schools and contributing to a drop in crime rates.

Colorado reached over $50 million dollars in recreational cannabis sales in June, breaking the state’s previous record, according to Ricardo Baca, a staff writer for Denver Post’s The Cannabist. In addition, medical sales reached $25 million.

Based on the state’s various taxes on marijuana sales, Baca reports that the state has earned over $60 million dollars in marijuana tax revenue so far this year.

Along with legalization, Colorado voters approved a 15 percent excise tax on wholesale marijuana sales that is only to be used for school construction. According to another recent report from Baca, Colorado schools have earned $13.6 million in just the first five months of 2015, a sharp increase over 2014, when the tax generated […]

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The science of forgiveness: “When you don’t forgive you release all the chemicals of the stress response”

Stephan:  There is a reason most genuine spiritual paths stress forgiveness, and this essay explains an important part of why this is true.
Credit: altanaka via Shutterstock

Credit: altanaka via Shutterstock

From “TRIUMPH OF THE HEART: Forgiveness in an Unforgiving World” by Megan Feldman Bettencourt. Published by arrangement with Avery, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. Copyright © 2015 by Megan Feldman Bettencourt.

The Burn Surgeon: How Anger Can Impede Healing

In 1978, Dr. Dabney Ewin, a surgeon specializing in burns, was on duty in a New Orleans emergency room when a man was brought in on a gurney. A worker at the Kaiser Aluminum plant, the patient had slipped and fallen into a vat of 950-degree molten aluminum up to his knees. Ewin did something that most would consider strange at best or the work of a charlatan at worst: He hypnotized the burned man. Without a swinging pocket watch or any other theatrical antics, the surgeon did what’s now known in the field of medical hypnosis as an “induction,” instructing the man to relax, breathe deeply, and close his eyes. He told him to imagine that his legs—scorched […]

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US has five percent of world’s population, but had 31 percent of its public mass shooters from 1966-2012

Stephan:  Ever since I have returned from Sweden I have been pointedly aware of gun deaths; it is such a distinctive feature of American culture, and so absent in most of the rest of the developed world. Now a new study has come out that makes the effects of large numbers of guns on society even clearer.  Note also what this study doesn't include: "these shootings do not include incidents that occurred solely in domestic settings or were primarily gang-related, drive-by shootings, hostage taking incidents, or robberies." If that number were added to the study we would be off the chanrts, and It tells us that the state of our state is not well. Citation: "Mass Shooters, Firearms, and Social Strains: A Global Analysis of an Exceptionally American Problem," will be presented on Sunday, Aug. 23, at 2:30 p.m. CDT in Chicago at the American Sociological Association's 110th Annual Meeting.
Convention goers check out handguns equipped with Crimson Trace laser sights at the 143rd NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana on April 25, 2014 Credit: Agence France-Presse

Convention goers check out handguns equipped with Crimson Trace laser sights at the 143rd NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana on April 25, 2014
Credit: Agence France-Presse

Despite having only about 5 percent of the world’s population, the United States was the attack site for a disproportionate 31 percent of public mass shooters globally from 1966-2012, according to new research that will be presented at the 110th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA). (emphasis added)

 “The United States, Yemen, Switzerland, Finland, and Serbia are ranked as the Top 5 countries in firearms owned per capita, according to the 2007 Small Arms Survey, and my study found that all five are ranked in the Top 15 countries in public mass shooters per capita,” said study author Adam Lankford, an […]

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Target Shooters Bring Mayhem to National Forests

Stephan:  I have been a backpacker and hiker all my life, and there is no question but that it is growing increasingly dangerous certain months of the year, in certain parks and national and state forests, to be hiking or backpacking, particularly the first four miles of any trail. You can hear the gun fire, like a fire fight in Viet Nam over the hill. And you see the trash. Here is an essay from the editorial board of The New York Times that makes the case admirably. Let me say once again, I am not interested, nor am I advocating abridging the 2nd Amendment. But what the Founders' had in mind and what we have now contradicts their intent, and it is literally killing us.


Recreational target shooters call it “trigger trash” — tons and tons of refrigerators, car parts, televisions, sofas, bowling pins and other unwanted junk that shooters haul onto pristine federal woodlands and shred with gunfire for sheer enjoyment.

The abuses are scarring forest lands from the Carolinas to the Pacific Northwest. An emergency halt to target shooting had to be issued for the Croatan National Forest, in North Carolina, after hundreds of complaints from alarmed visitors. Forest Service records show an increasing raft of violations, like shooting from cars and shooting in campgrounds.

The problem keeps growing, with hikers and conservationists warning that virtual free-fire zones threaten not only national forests but also millions of multiple-use Western acres overseen by the Bureau of Land Management, where there are too few enforcement officers. Citizens describe scenes resembling war zones, as volleys of gunfire roll across the mountains.

It’s bad enough that federal crews have to […]

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