Birds reveal the evolutionary importance of love

Stephan:  It appears Zebra Finches have something to teach humans about love and choosing a mate. Here's the story. Citation: Malika Ihle, Bart Kempenaers, Wolfgang Forstmeier. Fitness Benefits of Mate Choice for Compatibility in a Socially Monogamous Species. PLOS Biology, 2015; 13 (9): e1002248 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002248

finchesHumans are extremely choosy when it comes to mating, only settling down and having kids after a long screening process involving nervous flirtations, set-ups by friends, online matchmaking sites, awkward dates, humiliating rejections, hasty retreats and the occasional lucky strike. In the end, we “fall in love” and “live happily ever after.” But evolution is an unforgiving force — isn’t this choosiness rather a costly waste of time and energy when we should just be “going forth and multiplying?” What, if anything, is the evolutionary point of it all? A new study may have the answer.

Doing a cost/benefit analysis of love is a challenging business, with many potential confounds, and — in the case of humans — some ethical limitations on doing experiments. A new study publishing on September 14th in the Open Access journal PLOS Biology by Malika Ihle, Bart Kempenaers, and Wolfgang Forstmeier from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, Germany, describes an elegant experiment designed to tease apart the consequences of mate choice.

The authors took advantage of the fact that the zebra finch shares many […]

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Homo naledi, the newly discovered species of ancient human, explained

Stephan:  Humanity's lineage is so much more complex than science thought even a few years ago. Here is another new chapter from our past. Amazing stuff.

homo-nalediOver the past two years, an international team of scientists has discovered more than 1,500 mysterious fragments of bone in a tiny cave in South Africa. Thursday morning, the team announced that the fossils are from a new species of ancient human that is believed to have lived 2 to 3 million years ago: Homo naledi.

They appear to resemble another ancient hominin species, Homo erectus, but they have much smaller brains, more along the lines of a gorilla’s. There’s even tantalizing evidence that they might have buried their dead — something scientists previously thought only modern humans did.

When it comes to the study of human evolution, all this is a really big deal. To date, we know of only a handful of other species similar enough to us to fit in to our genus: Homo. Scientists will debate this designation for H. naledi — as they do for all newly discovered species — but the bottom line is that these fossils, detailed in a pair of new papers in the journal eLIFE, give us a […]

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America is still paying for W: Afghanistan, Iraq and our looming geopolitical crisis

Stephan:  I am presently at an invitational conference at Esalen Institute on Russian- American relations, and there are several Russians here. Their comments make it clear that the policies of the Neocons have poisoned relations between our two countries. It is much the same story I heard recently at a professional water conference in Sweden. They Neocons with their aggresive paranoia and craziness have cost us the world's respect, and affection. Mostly the world sees us now as a greedy bully. The Neocons -- Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Abrahms, and others -- I believe history will decide are some of the greatest villains in modern history. They serve their corporate masters, and advocate American exceptionalism and unending war.  They are, as one former high ranking American diplomat attending said to me today, "dangerous to the health of the world."  
President Bush announces Tuesday, March 30, 2004 in the White House Briefing Room that the White House will allow National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice to testify publicly and under oath before an independent panel investigating the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.  (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

President Bush announces Tuesday, March 30, 2004 in the White House Briefing Room that the White House will allow National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice to testify publicly and under oath before an independent panel investigating the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

In ways that have eluded Washington pundits and policymakers, President Barack Obama is deploying a subtle geopolitical strategy that, if successful, might give Washington a fighting chance to extend its global hegemony deep into the twenty-first century. After six years of silent, sometimes secret preparations, the Obama White House has recently unveiled some bold diplomatic initiatives whose sum is nothing less than a tri-continental strategy to check Beijing’s rise. As these moves unfold, Obama is revealing himself as one of those rare grandmasters who appear every generation or two […]

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Hitler’s World May Not Be So Far Away

Stephan:  In light of the mass of migrants leaving the Middle East and trying to enter Europe, recognizing this is only the beginning of an age of migrations, I began to think about the Holocaust. As this excellent essay demonstrates I am not the only one thinking in this way.

3051It was 20 years after I chose to become a historian that I first saw a photograph of the woman who made my career possible. In the small photograph that my doctoral supervisor, her son, showed me in his Warsaw apartment, Wanda J radiates self-possession, a quality that stood her in good stead during the Nazi occupation. She was a Jewish mother who protected herself and her two sons from the German campaign of mass murder that killed almost all of her fellow Warsaw Jews. When her family was summoned to the ghetto, she refused to go. She moved her children from place to place, relying upon the help of friends, acquaintances and strangers. When first the ghetto and then the rest of the city of Warsaw were burned to the ground, what counted, she thought, was the “faultless moral instinct” of the people who chose to help Jews.

Most of us would like to think that we possess a “moral instinct”. Perhaps we imagine that we would be rescuers in some future catastrophe. Yet if states were […]

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Climate Expert James Hansen: “We’ve Got an Emergency”

Stephan:  NASA senior scientist James Hansen, who first brought climate change to popular awareness, is trying once again to warn us about what is coming. Here's the story. It's not a happy one.

2015_0916climateThe repercussions of climate disruption are still not being acknowledged fully, warned climatologist Dr. James Hansen, addressing an audience of Baby Boomer and Greatest Generation climate activists on September 9.

“We’ve now got an emergency,” he told about 150 “elder activists” at Calvary Baptist Church in Washington, DC, who were participating in Grandparents Climate Action Day.

Hansen – formerly NASA’s head climate scientist, now Adjunct Professor at Columbia University – is probably best known for bringing definitive evidence of global warming to Congress in testimony in 1988. In July of this year, he released a report with sixteen co-authors studying glacier melt in Greenland and Antarctica. Unlike previous models, the new report takes into account some feedback loops which may be hastening the loss of ice sheet mass far faster than anticipated.

Time is running out to transition to renewable energy, Hansen said, yet the most “relevant” people in power aren’t aware of the situation’s gravity. “Even people who go around saying, ‘We have a planet in peril,’ don’t get it. Until we’re aware of our future, we can’t […]

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