The ‘missing link’ in evolution is a myth that comes from medieval theology — not modern science


Three-skulls-in-a-row-showing-humans-evolution-Shutterstock-800x430This spring, the world learned of a newly discovered missing link between microbes and humans called Lokiarchaeota. The actual story is that the microbe Lokiarchaeota, discovered on the deep sea floor by a hydrothermal vent called Loki’s Castle, shares features with both bacteria and us. The spin is that this makes it a missing link between the two. Microbiologists have been discreetly quiet about this narrative fiction; although the microbe is fascinating, and so deserves the spotlight, it is no more a missing link than the platypus is a missing link between ducks and humans.

This missing link imagery, based on the idea that evolution is a methodical process with logical, continuous connections to be discovered and mapped, might set up a good story. But it’s wrong – and can detrimentally influence our understanding of immediately threatening processes like the rapid evolution of flu.

The Great Chain of Being

The notion of missing links in evolution comes from medieval theology’s Great Chain of Being, an idea that survived Darwin and still persists. It is compelling – not least because you-know-who winds up at […]

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Tuna and mackerel populations suffer catastrophic 74% decline, research shows

Stephan:  I think one has to seriously consider not eating tuna or mackerel anymore. The world fisheries are collapsing due to climate change and overfishing. No one will ever be able to say we weren't warned.
Yellowtail and albacore tuna are becoming increasingly rare, as well as bluefin.  Credit: Brian Skerry/WWF

Yellowtail and albacore tuna are becoming increasingly rare, as well as bluefin.
Credit: Brian Skerry/WWF

Tuna and mackerel populations have suffered a “catastrophic” decline of nearly three quarters in the last 40% years, according to new research.

WWF and the Zoological Society of London found that numbers of the scombridae family of fish, which also includes bonito, fell by 74% between 1970 and 2012, outstripping a decline of 49% for 1,234 ocean species over the same period.

The conservation charity warned that we face losing species critical to human food security, unless drastic action is taken to halt overfishing and other threats to marine life.

Louise Heaps, chief advisor on marine policy at WWF UK, said: “This is catastrophic. We are destroying vital food sources, and the ecology of our oceans.”

Attention in recent years has focused on species such as bluefin tuna, now on the verge of extinction, but other close relatives commonly found on restaurant menus or in tins, such […]

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A Third American City Is Now Running Entirely On Renewable Energy

Stephan:  Here is some more good news about the transition out of carbon. Little by little, in spite of carbon-corporate opposition, progress is being made.
Aspen, Colorado

Aspen, Colorado

The number of American cities that run entirely on renewable energy is growing.

Last week, the city of Aspen, Colorado declared it had become the third municipality to receive all of its power from renewable sources. Aspen’s energy portfolio now primarily consists of wind power and hydroelectric, with smaller contributions from solar and geothermal.

The announcement came after the city’s decade-long effort to shift toward renewable energy. David Hornbacher, Aspen’s Utilities and Environmental Initiatives Director, told the Aspen Times that “It was a very forward-thinking goal and truly remarkable achievement.”

Burlington, Vermont and Greensburg, Kansas were the first two cities to achieve all-renewable energy portfolios.

Aspen’s new energy portfolio was made possible by the extraordinary drop in the price of renewable energy. The cost of solar has plunged in recent years, and the price is expected to drop below $0.50 per watt within a few years. Wind power has also become far cheaper than it was just a decade ago.

In addition, new regulations from the Obama administration that help internalize […]

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Monsanto’s Tobacco Files: University Scientists Caught Conspiring With Biotech Industry to Manipulate Public Opinion on GMOs

Stephan:  Monsanto is an evil corporation in my opinion. I ask all my readers to stop buying their products, and I would appreciate it if an SR reader would take the time to compile a list of all the brand names Monsanto operates under. If someone will do this I will post it. The only way to stop a company like this, that buys Congresspeople like candy bars, is to deprive them of income by organizing a boycott of their products.

monsanto-logoWhat happens when a private company with a long history of producing some of the most toxic chemicals on the planet and now produces our food starts facing public pressure from a growing national grassroots movement to label their products to conform with basic principles of democracy and transparency?

Well, if the company in question is Monsanto, then you take a page out of Big Tobacco’s playbook and hatch a secret plan to enlist public university scientists to bury the potential harm of your genetically engineered crops by whitewashing negative studies and systematically demonizing your opponents in the media to mislead elected officials and the American public about the safety of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and their accompanying toxic pesticides.

Here’s a little history lesson, in the 1940s, tobacco companies ran ads with doctors proclaiming smoking cigarettes were perfectly safe. In 1946, the RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company ran a now infamous campaign called “More Doctors” recommend Camels after “surveying” more than 113,597 doctors “from every branch of medicine.” In reality, the tobacco company’s advertising agency employees questioned doctors at medical conferences and their […]

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U.S. training helped mold top Islamic State military commander

Stephan:  Yet another report on an unintended consequence arising from the monumental stupidity of the Bush Administration and their insane wars. We will be paying for the ignorance and hubris of Bush, Cheney, and the Neocons for at least a generation, and millions will suffer because the Neocons got control of the government and were empowered to act out their imperialist fantasies.
Abu Omar al Shishani

Abu Omar al Shishani

KILLIS, Turkey — The 15 Chechens looking to cross the border from Turkey to Syria didn’t strike Abdullah as particularly important or unusual.

It was early summer in 2012, and as a smuggler based in the Turkish border town of Killis, Abdullah, who’d fled his home village in Syria because of fighting on the outskirts of Aleppo, was used to secretive groups of foreigners – journalists, aid workers and many recently aspiring jihadists – hiring him to cross Turkish military lines at the border while avoiding what was then still a significant Syrian government presence in northern Syrian.

“In 2012, everyone was coming to Syria and we had […]

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