‘We’re Under Water’: Germany Shows Signs of Strain from Mass of Refugees

Stephan:  I have been saying for over a decade that two of the defining trends in the 21st Century are the assimilation of minorities and Gender Equality. Germany is doing this because they do not have a sustainable birthrate and need workers. It will be interesting to see however, how this plays out, not only in Germany but throughout Europe. The migration crisis, of course, is yet another unintended consequence arising from the Bush-Cheney necons' destabilization of the Middle East.
Migrants wait behind a police car during their way from the Austrian-German border to the first registration point of the German federal police in the small Bavarian village Wegscheid, southern Germany, on October 12, 2015. AFP PHOTO / CHRISTOF STACHE

Migrants wait behind a police car during their way from the Austrian-German border to the first registration point of the German federal police in the small Bavarian village Wegscheid, southern Germany, on October 12, 2015. Credit: AFP/Christof Stache

The road to the reception camp in Hesepe has become something of a refugees’ avenue. Small groups of young men wander along the sidewalk. A family from Syria schleps a clutch of shopping bags towards the gate. A Sudanese man snakes along the road on his bicycle. Most people don’t speak a word of German, just a little fragmentary English, but when they see locals, they offer a friendly wave and call out, “Hello!”

The main road “is like a pedestrian shopping zone,” says one resident, “except without the stores.” Red-brick houses with pretty gardens line both […]

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Study reveals how brain multitasks

Stephan:  We are beginning to understand how our brains are capable of multi-tasking. Here's the story.
This is an image of a human brain. The thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) surrounds the thalamus (pictured in red, with a switchboard in the background). view more Credit: Michael Halassa.

This is an image of a human brain. The thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) surrounds the thalamus (pictured in red, with a switchboard in the background). view more
Credit: Michael Halassa.

Researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center say they have added to evidence that a shell-shaped region in the center of the mammalian brain, known as the thalamic reticular nucleus or TRN, is likely responsible for the ability to routinely and seamlessly multitask.

The process, they suggest, is done by individual TRN neurons that act like a “switchboard,” continuously filtering sensory information and shifting more or less attention onto one sense — like sight — while relatively blocking out distracting information from other senses, including sound.

In their research in mice, described in the journal Nature online Oct. 21, the investigators showed that TRN neurons, which have been previously implicated in the dampening of brain […]

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Republican Leaders Struggle To Find Votes To Up Debt Limit

Stephan:  Early Warning: The House Republicans really just don't understand what democratic governance is about. I assume that at the 11th hour and 59th minute this will sort itself out. If not we may have the first default in our history.

GOP leaders promised Friday that the House will act next week — just days from a Nov. 3 deadline. Increasing the government’s $18.1 trillion borrowing cap so that it can continue to pay its bills in full and on time would prevent a potential meltdown in the financial markets and save the Republican Party from presiding over a default on U.S. obligations.

Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has warned lawmakers that the government’s ability to use accounting steps to pay its bills for veterans, Social Security recipients, federal employees and others will run out early next month.

“The debt limit will have to be raised, but we’ve […]

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Meet the 97 Percent Climate Truthers

Stephan:  The 97 Per Cent Truthers illustrate just how completely detached from facts the Republican Party has become. I have been thinking all day about whether there is a precedent in U.S. history for one of the two major political parties living in a world of fantasy. The 19th century "No Nothings" of course immediately suggest themselves, but they never controlled the House and Senate. The truth is that as the country faces a spectrum of trends each leading to some kind of catastrophe we have never been in a weaker position to deal with them. Fact based social progressives simply must vote in record numbers if we are to get through what is coming and still retain the semblance and substance of democracy. What are you doing about getting out the vote?
Senator Ted Cruz

Senator Ted Cruz

Two years ago, a group of international researchers led by University of Queensland’s John Cook surveyed 12,000 abstracts of peer-reviewed papers on climate change since the 1990s. Out of the 4,000 papers that took a position one way or another on the causes of global warming, 97 percent of them were in agreement: Humans are the primary cause. By putting a number on the scientific consensus, the study provided everyone from President Barack Obama to comedian John Oliver with a tidy talking point.

That talking point put climate deniers in a bind. They have successfully delayed political action for years by making it seem like there’s still a scientific debate over anthropogenic warming. But when confronted with a statistic like this one, they have been forced to take a different tack: dispute the statistic itself.

They’re the 97 percent truthers, and Texas Senator Ted Cruz is leading the recent charge. At a hearing in early October, the GOP presidential candidate peppered Sierra Club President Aaron Mair with questions for ten minutes about the so-called […]

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Study: More Than Two-Thirds of Patients on Anti-Depressants Not Depressed

Stephan:  I don't know what its like where you live, but where we are television has essentially become a mechanism for selling pharmaceuticals and cars. There are a hundred of so ads for drugs every day on MSNBC, CNN, FOX. Is it any wonder that millions of people, particularly women, are over, or incorrectly medicated? This report gives you some sense of the reality. Note particularly that "Caucasian ethnicity" is now a symptom justifying these drugs.

A new study shows that more than two-thirds — some 69 percent – of patients using anti-depressants do not actually meet the criteria for depressive disorder.

The study, which appears in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, finds that many individuals who are prescribed and take antidepressant medications may not actually have a depressive disorder, and that such drugs are often used by patients who do not meet the diagnostic criteria of depression.

According to the research, among the users of antidepressant medications, 69 percent never met the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD), and 38 percent also never met those for obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, or generalized anxiety disorder – for which the antidepressant medications are sometimes prescribed.

Other factors, however, unrelated to depression, were found to be associated with the use of antidepressants.

“Caucasian ethnicity, recent or current physical problems (eg, loss of bladder control, hypertension, and back pain), and recent mental health facility visits were associated with antidepressant use in addition to mental disorders,” say the researchers. (emphasis added)

As Breitbart News previously reported, psychiatrist Dr. Julie Holland penned an op-ed in the New York Times earlier this year in which she cited that […]

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