Many states across the country are unprepared to face the risks posed extreme heat, drought, wildfires, inland flooding, coastal flooding and other extreme weather events, according to a new report card.

Only a small number of states – Alaska, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York and Pennsylvania – have taken strong action to prepare for future risks across the threats they face, according to the report card.

States receiving an overall A or A-grade include California, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York and Pennsylvania.

States getting an overall F grade include: Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada and Texas.

The report, “States at Risk: America’s Preparedness Report Card,” grades each of the  50 states based on the threats the state faces. Grades are based on both the magnitude of the current and future threat and the action states have taken to prepare for them relative to other states.


Key findings include:

  • States are least prepared for extreme heat risk. All states in the continental U.S. face this threat, but only 14 percent are taking strong action to prepare.
  • States are more prepared for coastal flooding than any other risk, but still […]
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