Overnight Energy: Senators push back against Paris climate talks

Stephan:  This is disgusting news. It takes your breath away. Voting Republican makes one complicit in crimes against humanity and the planet.

SENATORS OBJECT TO PARIS TALKS: Three senators introduced a resolution Thursday stating their objection to the United Nations climate talks in Paris.

“The international community needs to be aware that the U.S. Congress and the American people do not support President Obama’s international climate agenda,” Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), the chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said in statement announcing the resolution.

The resolution, from Inhofe and Sens. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), says the Senate believes any climate deal reached in Paris will have “no force or effect” in the U.S. unless lawmakers consider it first. The resolution also looks to block U.S. funding for an international climate financing program unless the Senate takes up the deal. (emphasis added)

It comes less than two weeks before world leaders meet in Paris to hash out a deal to cut global greenhouse gas levels and combat climate change.

Republicans and opponents of the talks have long said the Senate should get a say in the deal, while the Obama administration has looked to avoid sending a climate accord to a hostile Congress.

The issue of the need for congressional review came up again last week when European officials […]

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Lawmakers Hijack Criminal Justice Reform With Plan To Immunize CEOs From Many Laws

Stephan:  The corruption of the U.S. Congress is reaching levels never before seen. Here is the latest,

The Stealth Corporate Takeover of the Supreme Court

Stephan:  Yet more corruption of our foundational institutions -- this time it is the court.

In August 1971, a prominent corporate lawyer from Richmond, Virginia, named Lewis F. Powell Jr. authored a “Confidential Memorandum” to the United States Chamber of Commerce. Powell observed that “with an activist-minded Supreme Court, the judiciary may be the most important instrument for social, economic, and political change.” He urged the Chamber to replicate game-changing litigation victories by “[l]abor unions, civil rights groups,” and “public interest law firms,” which often came “at business’s expense.” Six years later, with Powell himself having been appointed to the Supreme Court by President Richard Nixon, the Chamber created a “voice of business in the courts,” the National Chamber Litigation Center.

The Chamber of Commerce and its allies have worked toward carving out what amounts to a law-free zone.
Simon Lazarus

Over the past month, the Supreme Court heard three cases that show how radically Powell’s strategy has tilted the law business’s way—more so than he could have imagined, or even favored. Indeed, until he retired in 1987, Justice Powell embraced the Chamber’s position in only 53 percent of its cases he heard, whereas the Chamber has won 69 percent of its cases since John G. Roberts became chief justice in 2005. More significantly, as the […]

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More than 500,000 people homeless in the United States

Stephan:  This is a measure of our decay as a country. This is what comes from a corrupt Congress, that cares nothing for our national wellbeing.

More than 500,000 people – a quarter of them children – were homeless in the United States this year amid scarce affordable housing across much of the nation, according to a study released on Thursday.

The report, from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), said the number was down slightly from 2014. Many U.S. cities are confronting a sluggish economic recovery, stagnant or falling wages among the lowest-income earners and budget constraints for social welfare programs.

Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Oregon and Hawaii have all recently declared emergencies over the rise of homelessness, and on Thursday Seattle’s mayor toured a new encampment for his city’s dispossessed.

“Despite national estimates, New York City continues to experience near record homelessness,” said Giselle Routhier, a spokeswoman for the Coalition for the Homeless, an advocacy group.

According to HUD’s latest tally, nearly 565,000 people were living on the streets in cars, in homeless shelters or in subsidized transitional housing during a one-night national survey in January. Nearly one-fourth were aged 18 or under.

That number was down 2 percent from the previous year’s count and 11 percent from 2007, HUD said.

The actual U.S. homeless population is likely higher than HUD’s snapshot suggests because many people […]

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A Brutal New Germany: What’s Happening to My Country?

Stephan:  I am in Europe now, and have been struck by the struggle going on in here about how to deal with the mass of people migrating out of the Muslim world into the West. This is going to be a very painful social transformation I am afraid.

Germany could approach the refugee crisis without surrendering its civility. But instead, the basest of anti-foreigner sentiment is taking hold in many places. If it continues, we could soon witness an atmosphere of brutality not seen in decades.

Recently, I just returned to Germany after spending a couple of years in the United States as a foreign correspondent. In that time that I’ve been back, I’ve become concerned, wrought with worry that my own country is losing its civility.

In America, I was often appalled by the brutality of a society where the majority support the death penalty and police are allowed to shoot people in the back even if they don’t present an immediate threat. I can’t change the fact that I am German, but for some time, I was pleased with that destiny. I was proud — not proud of Germany, but proud to be from a country that had apparently succeeded in becoming more empathetic and civil.

Firing on Refugees?

But the country I have returned to is a different one. It’s a country in which the state chairman of the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AFD) party in North Rhine-Westphalia has declared that, […]

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