Nine in 10 cancers caused by lifestyle

Stephan:  The linkage between cancer and lifestyle is now so well-documented that one has to ask why more of us do not alter our behaviors.

Cancer cellsUp to nine in 10 cancers are caused by environmental and external factors such as smoking, drinking, sun exposure and air pollution, a new scientific study has found. (emphasis added)

Previous research suggested that random cell mutations played a significant role in the development of tumours, a finding dubbed the ‘bad luck hypothesis.’

But scientists now believe that outside influences have a far greater impact, meaning many cancers may be more preventable than previously thought.

The finding is likely to prove controversial as it suggests that people could slash their risk of ever getting cancer if they just made lifestyle changes such as keeping out of the sun, exercising or cutting down on cigarettes.

One British statistician said that the results showed that between 70 and 90 per cent of cancers would not occur if we could ‘magic away’ all the external risk factors.

It follows on from a study published earlier this year which suggested that 65 per cent were inevitable and driven by random mistakes in cell division which are completely outside of our control.

The more times […]

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Maternal exposure to anti-depressant SSRIs linked to autism in children

Stephan:  As the use of antidepressants continues to rise, particularly amongst women, the role of these drugs in pregnancy has been called into question. Here is the latest. I think any woman who is pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant should take this article very seriously.
Credit: Ivan Sekic/iStock

Credit: Ivan Sekic/iStock

A new study provides some of the strongest evidence yet that using an antidepressant like Prozac, Paxil or Zoloft during the final two trimesters of pregnancy may be linked to a higher risk of autism spectrum disorder for the child.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the most commonly prescribed antidepressants, work by influencing naturally occurring chemical messengers in our brains.The research, published in JAMA Pediatrics on Monday, involved the analysis of health records in Quebec from January 1999 and December 2009. During that time 145,456 full-term singleton infants were born, and 1,054 or 0.72 percent were subsequently diagnosed with autism. The average age at first diagnosis was 4.6 years and the average age of children at the end of follow-up was 6.2 years. Boys with autism outnumbered girls 4 to 1.Researchers identified 4,724 infants (3.2 percent) who were exposed to […]

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Top 10 Signs the US Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World

Stephan:  As I read stories and reports about the American government its corruption is the thing that stands out for me. And it has been legalized. The five conservative justices on the Supreme Court made bribery the norm. This is exactly what the Founders sought to avoid; they had lived with the corruption of British monarchy, just as they had lived with church and state being one, and they wanted no part of the corruption and built in a firewall keeping the church and the state completely separate.

Corruption-For-SaleThose ratings that castigate Afghanistan and some other poor countries as hopelessly “corrupt” always imply that the United States is not corrupt.

While it is true that you don’t typically have to bribe your postman to deliver the mail in the US, in many key ways America’s political and financial practices make it in absolute terms far more corrupt than the usual global South suspects. After all, the US economy is worth over $16 trillion a year, so in our corruption a lot more money changes hands.

1. The rich are well placed to bribe our politicians to reduce taxes on the rich. A nonentity like Donald Trump got filthy rich via tax loopholes, and is now trying to buy the presidency. The way the Supreme Court got rid of campaign finance reform and allowed open, unlimited buying of elections is the height of corruption. Note that despite his supposed “populism,” Trump never talks about the unfairness of our current tax system, instead dividing and ruling working and middle class Americans by stirring racial and religious hatreds. As it stands,

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America’s Secret Arsenal

Stephan:  I watched the Republican debate and listening to the candidates I realized that not one of them, was competent in foreign affairs -- I don't think any of them understood Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), or the Strategic Triad that was its military expression. Their blithely talking about going to war with Russia I found astonishing. And it was also clear that they had only the vaguest understanding, with the possible exception of Fiorina, of what cybersecurity and cyberwarfare are about. Here is a good assessment of that situation. """"""
NSA computers

NSA computers

To this day it remains one of the most sophisticated and mysterious offensive operations ever launched: Stuxnet, the computer virus specifically engineered to attack Iran’s nuclear reactors. Discovered in 2010 and now widely believed to be a collaboration between the U.S. and Israel, its existence raised an urgent question: Just what is the U.S. government doing to attack its opponents in the cyber-realm?

Stuxnet’s origins have never been officially acknowledged, and the extent of American meddling in malware is still unknown. But for the past few years there’s been something new developing within the U.S. military that has taken “cyber” from a theoretical idea to a deliberate—if secretive—part of U.S. policy. The first ripple came in January 2013, when the Washington Post reported that the Pentagon was significantly expanding its cybersecurity forces across all the service branches. By that October, the U.S. Army had launched two teams of technical experts dedicated purely to the cyber realm. Just a year later, the number was up to 10.

The growth has been snowballing. Last […]

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Dow, DuPont Announce Plans for $130 Billion Merger

Stephan:  I am leading with the Dow Dupont merger because although it is getting little coverage in corporate media I think it is a very big deal. As this report explains this merger further consolidates corporate control over agriculture, from seed to pesticide. Corporations are trying to get monopolistic control of both water and food. This is an existential threat to small holders, and agriculture practiced on organic principles. The Dow, Dupont, Monsanto model is not wellness-oriented, and this is not good news and, in my view, should not have been allowed.
A Dow chemical refinery in Oyster Creek, Texas. DuPont and Dow Chemical, with more than three centuries of history between them, said they had agreed to merge, in one of the biggest deals of the year. The combined company would be known as DowDuPont. Once combined, they plan to split into three separate companies, consisting of agricultural chemicals, specialty products and materials, like plastics. Credit: Michael Stravato / The New York Times

A Dow chemical refinery in Oyster Creek, Texas. DuPont and Dow Chemical, with more than three centuries of history between them, said they had agreed to merge, in one of the biggest deals of the year. The combined company would be known as DowDuPont. Once combined, they plan to split into three separate companies, consisting of agricultural chemicals, specialty products and materials, like plastics.
Credit: Michael Stravato / The New York Times

Late last week, Dow and DuPont announced plans for a $130 billion mega merger. The merger is expected to take place in the second half of 2016, after which the parent company will […]

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