Startling new report on Oak Island could ‘rewrite history’ of the Americas

Stephan:  I have been following the story of Oak Island for 60 years. I first encountered in when at the age of 11 I was bicycling to meet my best friends Donnie Schroeder and John Randolph, and saw a discarded men's magazine in the gutter. The cover was a young woman in what today would be a modest bikini but was then, particularly to an 11 year old boy, unspeakably racy. Inside was an article that laid down the fundamentals of the genuinely mysterious story of a small island and a mesmerizing treasure.  I have followed the various failed operations from that day on. They have washed over the island like waves. They still haven't figured out how to get to the treasure, but now there is something else.  Here is the latest. The story is too complex to do properly here, do a search. Lots has been written about Oak Island, Nova Scotia.
Oak Island Credit: DigitalGlobe

Oak Island
Credit: DigitalGlobe

Ancient mariners visited the New World more than a thousand years before Columbus – according to a sensational new report.

The main findings of the study, which centres on the mysterious Oak Island, off Nova Scotia, have been exclusively revealed to Johnston Press.

A team of expert researchers reckon they have unearthed astonishing evidence that Roman ships visited North America in antiquity – ‘during the first century or earlier’ and long before Columbus landed in 1492.

The discoveries could cast new light on the mystery of Oak Island which is currently the focus of a centuries-old treasure hunt centering on a 230ft deep booby-trapped shaft known as the ‘money pit’.

8 things you may not know about the mystery of Oak Island and its ‘buried treasure’

The History Channel’s series Curse of Oak Island, now in its third season, follows the Lagina brothers as they attempt to discover the island’s long-held secret.


Community Solar Brings Renewable Energy ‘To The Masses’

Stephan:  This is an important datapoint. I think this is how solar is really going to take off. Decentrallized, and often not individual. Here's the story.
A couple of dozen solar panels sit atop a picnic shelter at a neighborhood park in Seattle. Credit: Seattle CIty Light

A couple of dozen solar panels sit atop a picnic shelter at a neighborhood park in Seattle.
Credit: Seattle CIty Light

Solar panels aren’t just for Arizonans living in sprawling ranch houses anymore.

Homeowners who lack adequate roof space or who enjoy the shade of big trees — even condo owners and renters such as Joe and Vanessa Goldberg of notoriously rainy Seattle — are now teaming up with their neighbors to buy electricity from shared solar power projects. 

“Because we rent, we don’t really have the option of putting solar on our house,” said environmentally conscious Joe, 35, who once made a local move using only bike trailers.

Like a growing number of Americans, the Goldbergs decided to invest in a community solar project. Solar-paneled picnic shelters in their neighborhood’s Jefferson Park feed the local electricity grid. The couple purchased two of the solar units, and now receive credits on […]

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Legal weed having little effect on teen marijuana use, federal data shows

Stephan:  It should be obvious to even the dullest that the legal integration of marijuana into the culture has produced none of the catastrophes predicted. Indeed, rather the opposite. SR has been covering this from the beginning and this report once again describes no evidence for rampant increases or abuse. Marijuana is not the drug problem in this country. Read the next report.
A marijuana poster is on display at the High Times Gala at the W Hotel in Washington, D.C Credit: Ben Terris /The Washington Post

A marijuana poster is on display at the High Times Gala at the W Hotel in Washington, D.C
Credit: Ben Terris /The Washington Post

Federal data released this week found there was no change in monthly marijuana use in nearly every U.S. state compared to last year. The only significant changes were in Rhode Island, Ohio and Hawaii, where monthly marijuana use fell year over year.

The latest state-level data, which asks participants if they used marijuana in the past month, is particularly useful, as it covers the first year of legal recreational marijuana in Colorado and Washington. While the rate of monthly teen marijuana use did tick upward in those states, the change wasn’t statistically significant, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which released […]

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Overdose Deaths Exceeded Half a Million in 2014

Stephan:  The drug problem America really has: Heroin, now largely a rural or small city White problem and, the big hitter, prescription pharmaceuticals.  As with guns we can't seem to tell ourselves the truth about drugs. Marijuana. Really.


Fatal drug overdoses reached a new high in 2014, killing more than half a million Americans, more than were killed in auto accidents, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Twice as many Americans died from drug overdoses in 2014 as in 2000.

Most of the deaths involved heroin or prescription narcotic painkillers like OxyContin. These drugs accounted for 28,647 deaths in 2014, or 61 percent of the overdose deaths. Deaths from heroin and narcotic painkillers increased 14 percent last year, to nine per 100,000 from 7.9, according to the C.D.C. (emphasis added)

Men and women of all races and ethnic groups and nearly all ages were affected by drug overdoses, but the national numbers were affected mainly by increases in deaths in 14 states: Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania […]

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85% of Tampons Contain Monsanto’s ‘Cancer Causing’ Glyphosate

Stephan:  I presented this story in two earlier parts, one the statement of the physicians in the area where this study took place. Here is the latest confirming the initial assessment, and now formally presented. Yet another example of a society that makes profit the social priority. Inevitably people suffer.  We won't know the full effects of this contamination for years, but we do know it won't be good.
“Eighty-five percent of all samples tested positive for glyphosate and 62 percent for AMPA, which is the environmental metabolite, but in the case of cotton and sterile cotton gauze the figure was 100 percent,” Dr. Damian Marino, the study’s head researcher. Credit: Shutterstock

“Eighty-five percent of all samples tested positive for glyphosate and 62 percent for AMPA, which is the environmental metabolite, but in the case of cotton and sterile cotton gauze the figure was 100 percent,” Dr. Damian Marino, the study’s head researcher.
Credit: Shutterstock

Glyphosate, a widely popular herbicide that has been linked to cancer by the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm, was detected in 85 percent of cotton hygiene products tested in a preliminary study from researchers at the University of La Plata in Argentina.

Sixty-two percent of the samples also tested positive for AMPA (or aminomethylphosphonic acid), a derivative of glyphosate. (emphasis added)

According to Revolution News, the samples—which included gauze, swabs, wipes and feminine care […]

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