Huge US Coal Company Declares Bankruptcy

Stephan:  Here is some excellent news about our transition out of the carbon  energy era. There are now more solar workers than coal miners, so the economic jobs impact will be big at the corporate level, but much smaller at the local citizen level.
The Black Thunder Coal Mine, Arch's largest mine.

The Black Thunder Coal Mine, Arch’s largest mine. Credit: morrison-knudsen

One of the nation’s largest coal companies, Arch Coal, filed for bankruptcy Monday, making it the second company with large Western mines to seek Chapter 11 restructuring in recent months.

The St. Louis-based company announced that it expects to continue to operate its mines and pay its 4,600 employees while it seeks a bankruptcy court’s approval for its debt restructuring.  Arch said its lenders had agreed to reduce its debt by more than $4.5 billion, but that deal would have to be approved by the court.

Responding to its employees’ and retirees’ fears, Arch said it does not anticipate major layoffs or disruptions to its pensions due to the bankruptcy. But it conceded that market conditions may impact staffing. The company operates two surface mines in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin as well as the underground West Elk mine in Somerset, Colorado. It has proposed opening a surface mine in southeastern Montana, the Otter Creek project. […]

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Tea Party lawmaker doesn’t think Obama should cite the Bible: ‘We own the entire tradition’

Stephan:  The thing about Theocratic Rightists is that their thinking is very crude and self-righteous. As a result they say the most amazing things with a straight face. Here is an example of what I mean.
Teabagger Republican Virginia Commonwealth Representative Dave Brat

Teabagger Republican Virginia Commonwealth Representative Dave Brat

Tea Party lawmaker from Virginia attacked President Barack Obama for citing the Bible to criticize Republicans — who he argued owned Christianity.

Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) appeared Monday on the American Family Radio program hosted by Sandy Rios, where he complained about the president citing Christian teachings to hammer GOP elected officials and candidates who tried to block the settlement of Syrian refugees in the U.S., reported Right Wing Watch.

“He’s using the Christian tradition and trying to bring about compassion by bonking Republicans over the head with the Bible,” Brat said. “It’s almost a comedy routine on what compassion and love is. He’s mocking his enemies in order to compel a larger federal state using the tradition of love.”

The lawmaker said some liberal college professors were debating whether objective truth existed, which he said disqualified Democrats from claiming any part of biblical teachings.

“Our side, the conservative side, needs to reeducate its people that we own the entire tradition,” Brat said. “If […]

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Big Pharma Shaking in Their Boots as 80% of Cannabis Users Give Up Prescriptions Pills for Pot

Stephan:  As the fraud of marijuana prohibition unravels, people are discovering its real medical benefits. I have reported on that. What I had not fully appreciated was how strong this trend is. This story will give you some important insights into what is happening. Of course you will not see this story reported on your television, from any network, because they depend to such a significant degree on pharmaceutical advertising. Indeed on MSNBC and CNN their advertising incomes seems to come from drugs ads, car ads, fat loss ads, adult diapers, and car insurance.


new survey conducted by the Centre for Addictions Research of BC helps explain why Big Pharma is so afraid of cannabis. The pharmaceutical and alcohol industries, both powerful influences in Washington, have long lobbied against cannabis legalization in order to protect their profits.

However, the tide has turned as decriminalization of medical and recreational cannabis sweeps the nation and the continent. With legalization, more and more people are discovering how this plant can provide a safe alternative to the dangerous effects of prescription pills.

The survey of 473 adult therapeutic cannabis users found that 87% of respondents gave up prescription medications, alcohol, or other drugs in favor of cannabis. Adults under 40 were likely to give up all three of these for medical cannabis. (emphasis added)

The most startling revelation, and one that will have Big Pharma running to their crony lawmakers, is that 80% of respondents reported substituting cannabis for prescription drugs.

In addition, 52% said they substituted cannabis for alcohol and 32% said they substituted it for illicit substances. These […]

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There Are Now More Solar Jobs In America Than Oil Jobs

Stephan:  Here is further evidence that we are at the tipping point in which oil, gas, and coal with increasing rapidity declines, and non-carbon energy employment increases. The trend is going faster than anyone predicted.

Solar and oil jobs chartSolar is the energy employer of the future — or at least that’s how the numbers look today.

A new report on the state of the solar industry out Tuesday from the nonprofit Solar Foundation shows that the number of jobs in the United States in the solar industry outpaced those in the oil and gas industries for the first time ever.

As of November 2015 there were almost 209,000 people who worked in the solar industry, 90 percent of whom only work on solar-related projects, according to the report.

There were only about 185,000 people working in oil and gas in the United States in December 2015, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The oil industry has had a rough 18 months, as the price of oil slid from more than $100 a barrel in the spring of 2014 to just over $30 a barrel in recent weeks. The low price has caused layoffs in what had been a robust and growing shale oil extraction business.

The solar industry, meanwhile, continues to grow as the technology […]

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Bevin notifies feds he’ll dismantle kynect

Stephan:  The scholar and researcher in me  loves stories like this one and the one that follows. It is the states as laboratories played out in reality. As a citizen however, I can only feel sorry for Kentuckians, although they voted Bevin into office. Governor Bevin, of course, is relying on the competency of the Obama Administration to affect a seamless transition. It is an utterly cynical act, the proof of which is,  as this piece points out, it will cost the state something north of $23 million at a time when Kentucky's budget is very lean. Also important: the insurance transition aspect is only a part of the state system which was set up by the previous Democratic governor. No arrangements have been announced yet about continuing the entire social safety net which grew up as Kynect evolved. It will be interesting to watch how Kentuckians respond to what is almost certainly going to be a loss of wellness in their lives.  
Kentucky Republican Governor Matt Bevin  Credit:  Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call

Kentucky Republican Governor Matt Bevin
Credit: Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call

FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY — Following through on a campaign pledge, Gov. Matt Bevin has notified federal authorities he plans to dismantle kynect, Kentucky’s health insurance exchange created under the Affordable Care Act.

The decision drew immediate fire from health care advocates, including Bill Wagner, executive director of the Family Health Centers, a network of public health clinics in Louisville.

“It’s a great disappointment,”  Wagner said. “It’s an unwelcome setback in our efforts to reach the number of uninsured people and improve access to health care in Kentucky.”

In a Dec. 30 letter to Sylvia Burwell, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Bevin said he plans to wind down the state health exchange and transition Kentuckians to the federal site,, to shop for insurance under the law also known as Obamacare.

Meanwhile, kynect remains open and the changes will not affect anyone shopping for insurance for the current enrollment period, which ends Jan. […]

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