Annapolis Credit:

Annapolis during a 2003 flood

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND —A leading expert in rising sea levels is warning coastal areas to start planning now for possible flooding.

Oceanographer John Englander is in Annapolis this week discussing how geological change will transform the world beyond anyone’s imagination.

In some respects, the steps the city of Annapolis is taking to prepare for rising sea levels is akin to building the biblical ark. Annapolis already floods easily. Between 1957 and 1963, Annapolis saw 3.8 days of nuisance flooding. Between 2007 and 2013, it increased to 39.3 days. By 2045, flooding will happen 360 times a year, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.

By the turn of the century, Annapolis City Dock and beyond could be covered in some 6 feet of water.

“Today, there are islands, like Smith Island, Tangier Island further south, they are all flooding more and more frequently, and the handwriting is on the wall,” Englander said.

Oceanographer and author of “High Tide on Main Street, Englander is discussing prevention and crisis management at St. John’s College on […]

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