Tuesday, February 16th, 2016
Stephan: Although it is hardly mentioned in the American corporate media I see a major trend developing in Europe that could change the geopolitics of the world. It is an extension of the point I have been making for several years: migrations and the assimilation of minorities are a combination of two trends that are going to define the future, and it centers on another trend gender equality. The abject failure of Islam to deal with equality has condemned particularly the Middle Eastern states to failure. Now as Middle Eastern Muslims pour into Europe, as a result of the Republican Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz Neocon fantasies that destabilized the region this issue has gone from simmer to boil. Today's edition of SR deals with several aspects of this, beginning with this report from Germany. I think this is such a big issue it will change world history.
Swiss performance artist Milo Moire holds a sign “Respect us! We are no fair game even when we are naked!!!” as she protests naked in front of the Cologne, western Germany, cathedral Friday, Jan. 8, 2016 following the sexual assaults and robberies during the New Year’s Eve festivities in Germany.
Credit: AP Photo/Dorothee Thiesing
The Erich Gutenberg College is a trade school in Mülheim, an economically underdeveloped district in Cologne. Two-thirds of the students here are first- or second-generation immigrants, and most are Muslim. A few days after the incidents in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, in which a large crowd of men with supposed immigrant backgrounds harassed and sexually assaulted women in the city’s main train […]