Welcome to the United States of Flint: A Coast-to-Coast Toxic Crisis

Stephan:  Here is more on the water purity issue. As you can see by the number of articles I am doing I am following this trend very closely, because I see it as the inevitable result of our failure to address the implications arising from the break down of an aging infrastructure. I recommend again that if you live in an older city that you have your water tested. Hopefully all will be well. But these reports suggest that might not be the case.

Water faucet“I know if I was a parent up there, I would be beside myself if my kids’ health could be at risk,” said President Obama on a recent trip to Michigan. “Up there” was Flint, a rusting industrial city in the grip of a “water crisis” brought on by a government austerity scheme. To save a couple of million dollars, that city switched its source of water from Lake Huron to the Flint River, a long-time industrial dumping ground for the toxic industries that had once made their home along its banks. Now, the city is enveloped in a public health emergency, with elevated levels of lead in its water supply and in the blood of its children.

The price tag for replacing the lead pipes that contaminated its drinking water, thanks to the corrosive toxins found in the Flint River, is now estimated at up to $1.5 billion. No one knows where that money will come from or when it will arrive. In the meantime, the cost to the children of Flint has been and will be incalculable. […]

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Which Countries Are Happiest? Global Survey Suggests Capitalism and Wealth Aren’t Delivering the Goods

Stephan:  It is hard to assess how significant these happiness findings are but one thing is clear. We are not very happy in the U.S., and our profit is the only relevant social priority is failing to produce a society in which people feel comfortable.

What is happiness? This might sound like a question you’d hear come out of Derek Zoolander’s mouth. But seriously, think about it. Is it a matter of perspective, your relationships, a neurological chemical imbalance, or career fulfillment? The more you try to pin down this elusive state of mind, the more achieving a measure for it seems out of reach. Take the movie Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014), in which Hector (Simon Pegg) travels the entire world trying to solve this philosophical quandary. By the time Hector sort of works it out, all we’re really left with is 120 minutes of our lives we’ll never get back.

Luckily, for the past 39 years, WIN/Gallup International (Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research) has been conducting a survey that claims to offer a quantitative measure of levels of happiness around the world. Last month it published its survey’s most recent findings taking into account “the outlook, expectations, views and beliefs of 66,040 people from 68 countries across the globe.”

While the survey’s indices may be far from a definitive accounting, they certainly offer some interesting insights into capitalism’s relative effects on a population’s perception and enjoyment of their lives. Participating countries in the survey were divided […]

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World’s largest solar plant goes live; will provide power for 1.1M people

Stephan:  More good news about solar. This trend is accelerating much faster than anyone, including me, predicted.
 On the left, phase 1 of the Noor Concentrated Solar Power plant is generating energy. On the right, phase 2 will be completed in 2017 and phase 3 in 2018.  Credit: The World Bank

On the left, phase 1 of the Noor Concentrated Solar Power plant is generating energy. On the right, phase 2 will be completed in 2017 and phase 3 in 2018.
Credit: The World Bank

The world’s largest solar power plant, now live in Morocco, will eventually provide 1.1 million people with power and cut carbon emissions by 760,000 tons a year.

The $9 billion Noor Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant could eventually start exporting energy to the European market.

The Noor Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), paid for with funds approved by The World Bank, is located in the Souss-Massa-Drâa area in Morocco, about 6 miles from Ouarzazate town. It began operation on Thursday. While the World Bank and other development partners provided financial support, the Noor solar plant is a wholly Moroccan project.

“With this bold step toward […]

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Southwest Enters ‘Drier Climate State’ Raising Specter Of Megadroughts

Stephan:  We are beginning to get a clearer picture of what is coming. Here is more data supporting my prediction that we will experience a significant migration out of the Southwest. I am afraid it is going to get ugly.
This Sept. 3, 2015 photo shows a dried-out lawn at Los Angeles City Hall, with a sign explaining that irrigation has been shut off due to the ongoing drought.

This Sept. 3, 2015 photo shows a dried-out lawn at Los Angeles City Hall, with a sign explaining that irrigation has been shut off due to the ongoing drought.

A new study finds that the semi-arid U.S. Southwest has begun to enter the “drier climate state” that had been long-predicted from climate models. These findings match ones from September documenting an expansion of the entire world’s dry and semi-arid climate regions in recent decades because of human-caused climate change.

The new study from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) concludes that “The weather patterns that typically bring moisture to the southwestern United States are becoming more rare, an indication that the region is sliding into the drier climate state predicted by global models.”

Drying Map

Weather systems that bring moisture to the southwest U.S. are forming less often, which […]

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Aiming for Venus: Top GOP Candidates United in Denying Climate Change

Stephan:  One of the most extraordinary aspects of this election, and it gets almost no discussion, is the fact that uniquely in the developed world we have a major party -- the Republicans -- who deny the existence of climate change. As this report points out only Senator Rubio, of all the party's Presidential candidates, acknowledges climate change is real. And he has so many qualifiers it's hard to know what he means. This willful ignorance ought to disqualify all Republican candidates from office. The fact that it does not, and that something north of 40 per cent of Americans also believe climate change either does not exist, or is not the result of human activity, is why we are not going to be prepared as a country for what is coming. We should be upgrading infrastructure including incorporating climate change in our planning. We we build now is what we will have. Century old infrastructure, such as we have in most of the country, is simply going to break down. Look at the report I just ran about how many cities in Pennsylvania have more lead in their water than Flint, Michigan. The infrastructure is breaking down anyway, climate change will just accelerate the process.
Republican debate

Ted Cruz speaks, as Donald Trump, left, and Ben Carson, right, look on, during the Republican presidential debate hosted by ABC News at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, February 6, 2016. Credit: Stephen Crowley / The New York Times

Of the Republican presidential candidates currently leading in the polls – Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Sen. Marco Rubio and Sen. Ted Cruz – only Rubio has acknowledged that climate disruption is real.

However, even Rubio’s position should be taken with a grain of salt, as he continues to deny the reality of anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD). In other words, he doesn’t believe that people are to blame for planetary warming. On May 11, 2014, Rubio said, “I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it.”

Cruz’s stance toward ACD is no secret: He has received much media attention for regularly rejecting climate science, and even more attention for his more famous statement that “Climate change […]

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