The Real Reasons Insurance Companies Are Complaining About Obamacare

Stephan:  I have been seeing grumpy comments from insurance companies about Obamacare recently. Here is a report that makes their issues. I find them outrageous but then I want a single payer system. We spend as a nation more on health care than any other developed country in the world. Yet we get very poor healthcare, and score badly on almost every outcome measure -- the World Health Organization ranks us as 37th. Those are facts. And it is also true that much of our poor rating tracks back to Red value states governed by Theocratic Rightist Republicans. It is amazing that we will not look at this data and it does not get discussed in public debates.

In other words, health insurance companies are settling in for the long haul and using a combination of public and private advocacy that is very familiar to other industries regulated at the federal level.

Adding to the current dynamic is the upcoming election. A new Congress and president, especially a Republican in the White House, could have major implications for the law and for the requirements the Department of Health and Human Services places on insurers.

“You can bet those insurers will make sure that they’re at the table and have as much leverage as […]

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Earth Is Actually TWO Planets, Study Finds

Stephan:  Another door opens onto a new vista concerning the history of the Earth. The real story of our planet is so much more amazing than the late Bronze Age, early Iron Age Creationist mythology that 42% of the country believes to be true. Maybe that is part of the problem.
Two worlds collide

Two worlds collide Credit: Stocktrek Images

The giant impact hypothesis — the popular belief that a “planetary embryo” called Theia collided with Earth some 4.5 billion years ago, leading to the formation of our planet’s moon — has been around for a while.

But a NASA-funded research team has added an amazing new twist to the idea; that Earth wasn’t just sideswiped by Theia, as many have conjectured, but sustained a direct hit and actually absorbed a large portion of the rogue planet.

In other words, Earth is made up of two fused planets — Earth and Theia — the study suggests.

“Theia was thoroughly mixed into both the Earth and the moon, and evenly dispersed between them,” lead author Edward Young, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, said in a statement.

For their study, the UCLA-led team compared the chemical signatures of moon rocks with volcanic rocks from Hawaii and Arizona.

If Earth and Theia had collided in a glancing side blow, as the […]

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15,000 Abandoned Uranium Mines Protested At DC EPA Headquarters

Stephan:  To my shame I had no idea about the true scope of the problem created by abandoned uranium mines. I knew there were abandoned mines, and that some were leaking into water sources. I had no idea how many mines are involved and the true dimensions of what we, as a nation, are faced with. I am appalled to learn the number. Once again we have evidence that civilian nuclear power has been a series of ghastly environmental catastrophes, with more to come.
Citizen Action against abandoned uranium mines

Citizen Action against abandoned uranium mines

WASHINGTON, DC — On Thursday, January 28 at 12:30 PM, representatives of Indigenous organizations from the Southwest, Northern Great Plains, and supporters called for “no nukes” in a protest addressing radioactive pollution caused by 15,000 abandoned uranium mines (AUMs) posing a toxic threat in the US. The demonstration was held at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) headquarters to call for immediate clean up of these hazardous sites, protection of Indigenous sacred areas from uranium mining, and for intervention in communities where drinking water is poisoned with radioactive contamination. The groups charged that the EPA has been negligent in addressing these toxic threats that severely threaten public health, lands, and waterways.

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Charmaine White Face

“Native American nations of North America are the miners’ canaries for the United States trying to awaken the people of the […]

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18 cities in Pennsylvania reported higher levels of lead exposure than Flint

Stephan:  When the Flint water story broke I suggested that while the Flint story was the result of Governor Rick Snyder's nefarious Republican incompetence and a failure of his public office the truth  is America's aging infrastructure almost surely meant that lead was leeching into the water systems of other cities. Well the predication is sadly coming true. Here's the story. If you live in an older American city I recommend that you have your water tested and if, as I suspect is pretty common, the results are your water is unsafe that you obtain a filter at the point of intake so that you and your family have potable water. I just got back this afternoon from speaking at Ervin Laszlo's Institute in Italy where I was asked three times, "Has America deteriorated so much that your citizens can't even rely on having reliable safe water to drink?" The answer apparently is: Yes. This is a huge problem; the question is: will anything be done about it.  


The lead poisoning crisis in Flint, Michigan, was a surprise, an emergency that occurred after the city switched to a new, cheaper water source.

But there are at least six cities in the United States where we should, in theory, have really good data on lead exposure. In fiscal year 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spent almost $2 million as part of a three-year funding commitment to help some of the biggest cities in the country monitor lead exposure.

I spent the past week looking at these cities, and came away with three main findings. The first is that the rate of lead exposure in Pennsylvania is incredibly alarming. Nearly 10 percent of the more than 140,000 kids tested had levels of 5 or more micrograms per deciliter of lead in the blood (5 µg/dL) — this is the threshold the government uses to identify children with dangerously elevated blood lead levels. One percent tested positive for blood lead levels greater than 10 µg/dL.

Compare that to Flint, where state data shows the rate of lead exposure for […]

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Scrapping this crappy jet could provide the entire country with 23 years of free college

Stephan:  Remember the F-35 fighter jet, perhaps the largest defense/intelligence/homeland security boondoggle in a history of boondoggles? Well here is a recent story on this that makes a comparison that challenges us as a country to ask: what are our values?
F-35 fighter jet

F-35 fighter jet

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is possibly one of the most useless jets and biggest waste of taxpayer money ever conceived by the US military.  In fact, according to Pierre Sprey, one of the three men that created the F-16, the point of this plane is “to spend money.”  He clarifies, “that is the mission of the airplane, is for the US Congress to send money to Lockheed [Martin].”

The airplane is a gross example of exorbitant spending on an overblown military budget.  Three different services have had their hands in what this airplane is supposed to do (the US Air Force, Navy and Marines) and as a result, it is overloaded and does nothing well.  It’s too bulky to function as an air-to-air combat jet, can’t function in support due to its lack of fuel and is “inherently a terrible airplane,” says Sprey, “because it’s an airplane built for a dumb idea.  As soon as you go to design a multi-mission airplane,  you’re sunk.”

He explains that when a plane tries to do too much, it does nothing well.

So the […]

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