An annual tally of climate deniers in Congress just came out, and there’s good news and bad news. The good news: You’re smarter than 34 percent of Congress. The bad news: You’re smarter than 34 percent of Congress.
The Center for American Progress Action Fund found that there are 182 climate deniers in the current Congress: 144 in the House and 38 in the Senate. That means more than six in 10 Americans are represented by people who think that climate change is a big ‘ol liberal hoax — including some leaders at the highest levels of government, like Senate Majority Leader Mitch “I Am Not a Scientist” McConnell and senator and presidential candidate Marco “I Am Not a Scientist” Rubio. (And those are just the members of Congress who are out-and-out deniers, so it doesn’t include the many more who kinda sorta admit that something might be going on with the climate but still don’t want to do anything about it.)
To call these “climate change deniers” is a misnomer. IMHO, they are: Polluter Puppets — those who get payola from the polluters to deny. Such deliberate lying disqualifies them from any and all responsible leadership. To say, “I’m not a scientist”, makes one wonder if these “non-scientists” ever had the temerity to tell their teachers / professors this when confronted with new or important information. If so, they would have failed every science course, as their failed leadership in this.