Chanel White
Chanel White is dreading her 26th birthday. It is not ageing itself that she’s worried about; what she fears is losing her parents’ health insurance.
White, 24, is one of several million young people in the US who were able to be put on their parents’ insurance scheme after Barack Obama’s 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) was introduced, extending the age at which people “aged out” of a parental scheme from 18 to 25.
For White, such coverage was crucial. Months before her wedding in 2011, and at the age of just 19, she realised she was very sick. Her hands had been swelling and turning purple, her joints hurt and she was losing her hair.
She was soon diagnosed with the debilitating and potentially life-threatening autoimmune disease systemic scleroderma. She had to undergo an invasive procedure to open up her blood vessels and had a finger amputated. There were countless appointments with doctors and specialists to help figure out how […]
I totally agree with you Stephan. I wish I knew what solution there is that can change our corrupt profit based system into a “profit-free” system, but I know we need one, and as far as I can tell, a socialist style system must be the answer. First we must get the meaning of the word socialist defined in a way that the people will accept it as a good thing. The rest of the details can only be defined after we do that one immense task. Capitalist, profit based healthcare is not good enough.