heart-disease-visual-guide-s2-heart-attackWhile heart attacks may be traditionally associated with seniors and individuals with severe health problems, a new report from the Cleveland Clinic suggests the trend is changing.  For the first time in generations, the average age of victims suffering severe heart attacks has actually fallen. And in more instances than every before, obesity is cited as a direct cause of the attacks.

In short, younger and fatter Americans are falling victim to life-threatening heart attacks at a much higher rate.

The results of a new study show that the average age of heart attack victims has now fallen to 60-years-old from the prior 64-years-old, so reports the Cleveland Clinic.

In addition, the same report noted that obesity is now a factor in no less than 40% of all severe heart attacks in the US. It was also found that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, high blood pressure and tobacco use are causing considerably more heart attack than they were two decades ago.

Along with facing a dangerously elevated heart attack risk, obesity is known it increase a person’s likelihood of developing a variety of other serious illnesses, including […]

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