How to Grow a New Heart from Skin Cells

Stephan:  Genetic manipulation is one of the most exciting areas of science, and this new development could be one of the most important breakthroughs in medicine in history. Comparable to the development of small pox vaccination by Edward Jenner in 1796. The paper is available at the Circulation Research website.
Human Myocardium on native extra cellular matrix. Credit: The Daily Beast

Human Myocardium on native extra cellular matrix.
Credit: The Daily Beast

More than half a million people die in the United States from heart failure each year, thousands of them while awaiting a transplant. But with the release of a new scientific paper comes a potential solution to the deficiency: growing new ones.

That’s exactly what a team of researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Center for Regenerative Medicine (CRM) set out to do. Their work, published this week in the journal Circulation Research, proves the idea has the potential to be a game changer. Using skin cells reprogrammed into stem cells, the researchers were able to generate functional heart tissue.

The process would not only eliminate the need for perfect match donors, but it would dramatically reduce the chance of immunorejection. Considering that an estimated 22 people die per day awaiting an organ, the implications could be huge.

It’s even worse than Fox News: The sick collusion between Donald Trump and our democracy-destroying media

Stephan:  Donald Trump, as I have written here before, has been created in large part by the cynical and greedy calculation of corporate media that covering him improves their bottom line -- MSNBC and CNN being the worst examples. Trump hasn't had to buy media because he has gotten what has been calculated to be over a billion dollars of free media. This reality has finally surfaced in the alternative media's consciousness. But that doesn't stop the big corporate media propagandists from continuing this self-serving trend.  CBS' president Les Moonves has even publicly copped to it.
Credit: Salon

Credit: Salon

This past Thursday, at a rally in North Carolina, Donald Trump reacted to the forcible ejection of a protester by issuing an odd and ominous complaint. “It’s always like one person,” he observed. “Can’t we have a little more action than this?”

The next night, Trump got his wish. Thousands of protesters crashed his rally in downtown Chicago, seeking to exercise their right to peaceable assembly and free speech. Rather suddenly, Trump the Bully morphed into Trump the Chickenhawk. He abruptly canceled the event, leaving his supporters and protesters to wander the arena and surrounding area.

What ensued was—given the animus between Trump supporters and protesters—a remarkably civil dispersion of more than 10,000 people. There was lots of chanting and a few shoving matches. Four people suffered minor injuries, five were arrested, one of them a reporter.

But if you watched coverage of the event—every major cable network offered hours—what you saw was an endless tape loop of the same four scuffles. This had the effect of making the event look far more violent and […]

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New Zealand plans to give everyone a ‘citizen’s wage’ and scrap benefits

Stephan:  New Zealand looks like it is about to do something very intelligent. If you look at the entire social services network and the budget for those agencies, it is possible that much of the cost of creating a citizen's basic income would be covered by the savings achieved by eliminating a range of government bureaucracies.
New  Zealand money Credit: The Independent

New Zealand money
Credit: The Independent

New Zealand could become one of the first developed countries to scrap benefits and introduce a basic citizens’ income.

Leader of the opposition Andrew Little said his Labour party was considering the idea as part of proposals to combat the “possibility of higher structural unemployment”.

Citizens’ income, also known as Universal Basic Income (UBI), involves a basic, unconditional, fixed payment made to every person in the country by the state in lieu of benefits.


Andrew Little, New Zealand’s Leader of the Opposition confirmed the party was considering the proposal


Mr Little confirmed his party would debate the idea at its conference on employment at the end of March.

He said significant changes to way people worked were “unavoidable” and “we expect that in the future world of work there will be at least a portion of the workforce that will rapidly move in and out of work”.

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Conservatives and liberals do think differently

Stephan:  As the neuro and social science becomes more sophisticated it has become clear that the psychophysiology of politics  is, in fact, a very big deal in how politics operate. Here is the latest research

left right signsBig differences in the ways conservatives and liberals think about solving the nation’s most pressing problems couldn’t be more apparent during this presidential election cycle.

But political ideas aside, people who hold conservative versus liberal perspectives appear to differ in everyday thinking processes and problem solving, according to research from Northwestern University and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC).

When solving short (non-political) verbal problems in an experiment, liberals were more likely than conservatives to achieve solutions with a sudden insight or “Aha!” In contrast, both groups achieved roughly an equal number of solutions through gradual, analytical processing.

Different from instinctive or gut reactions, insight problem solving occurs when after working on a problem for awhile and maybe feeling stuck, a solution unexpectedly emerges into consciousness in an ‘Aha!’ moment. The problem is suddenly seen in a new light, often surprising the solvers who are typically unaware of how the reorganization of their thought processes occurred.

Insight solutions contrast with methodical and analytical problem solving, which involve a gradual approach toward the solution and awareness of the steps involved.

“This view is […]

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Trump militia forms to ‘forcefully protect’ rally goers against ‘far-left agitators’

Stephan:  Something very significant has happened to this election. For the first time an open Fascist is not only running for president, but gaining control of one of our two major parties. When I read this story about how his supporters are banding together to form The Lion's Guard militia to protect Donald Trump I thought to myself: in a large crowd how will they identify themselves. Then I thought well they could wear brown shirts. I saw some research yesterday that was very enlightening. Trump is doing well in those states where unemployment is over 5% and the voter lives in an area where the non-Caucasian population exceeds 8%. We are at a cross-roads.


US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the American Airlines Center in Dallas on September 14, 2015 Credit: Laura Backman/AFP

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the American Airlines Center in Dallas on September 14, 2015
Credit: Laura Backman/AFP

group of Donald Trump supporters over the weekend called for volunteers to join a would-be militia aiming to protect voters against so-called “violent far-left agitators.”

In recent days, violence at Trump’s rallies has escalated to match the candidate’s rhetoric. Last week, a man in North Carolina was charged with assault after he sucker-punched a black man. And on Saturday, police in Kansas City pepper-sprayed protesters outside of a Trump event.

Hours after a protester rushed the stage at Trump’s Dayton rally, a Twitter group called “The Lion’s Guard” called on supporters of the GOP front-runner to join a make-shift militia, according to RT.

“Do you want to provide security protection to innocent people who are subject to harassment and assault by Far-left agitators?” Lion’s […]

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