The indisputable disaster of GOP governors: How Jindal, Brownback & Snyder have sold their constituents up the river

Stephan:  This report will all sound very familiar to SR readers. It caught my attention because I have been making the point about the grotesque inferiority of Republican governance for over a decade. And I make that assertion not on the basis of partisanship, which mostly bores me, but on the basis of social outcome data. This story is one of the first I have seen that makes the same point, so perhaps at least some in the media seem to be waking up to the facts.
Three of the worse Republican governors Sam Brownback, Bobby Jindal (now happily ex-governor), and Rick Snyder Credit: AP/Reuters/Charlie Riedel/Brian Snyder/Rebecca Cook

Three of the worse Republican governors Sam Brownback, Bobby Jindal (now happily ex-governor), and Rick Snyder
Credit: AP/Reuters/Charlie Riedel/Brian Snyder/Rebecca Cook

Although Democrats have held the White House for eight years, during that same time they have suffered dramatic losses at the state level. Part of this is due to low turnout in midterm elections, which favors Republicans because low-income people, young people and people of color make up a smaller portion of the electorate. In addition, the out-of-power party tends to gain during midterm elections. A more recent development that similarly favors down-ticket Republicans is the power of big donors like the Koch brothers, who have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into elections to get conservative candidates elected at the state level.

Another theory is presented by Tyler Cowen, who argues, among other things, that:

At the state and local level, the governments controlled by Republicans tend to be better run, sometimes […]

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A Texas Candidate Pushes the Boundary of the Far Right

Stephan:  A few days ago I ran a piece about a grandmotherly looking Theocratic Rightist, Mary Lou Bruner, running for the Texas State Board of Education in Texas who asserted President Obama had been a homosexual prostitute in his youth and that Muslims should be banned from the United States. As you know the Texas board has great influence as to what goes into America's schoolbooks, so this is not just a bizarre East Texas story; it has national implications.  Bruner is not just low information, she lives in a fantasy world concocted by the Rightwing myth machine. The more I thought about this, the more I realized the issue was not just how weird this woman was. The real question:  was she representative of where she lived? Is this a significant portion of the American electorate? This report answers the question.  This is what Willful Ignorance  produces.
Anthony Bruner and Mary Lou Bruner at a Texas State Board of Education meeting in 2010. Credit: Jay Janner/Austin American-Statesman, via Associated Press

Anthony Bruner and Mary Lou Bruner at a Texas State Board of Education meeting in 2010.
Credit: Jay Janner/Austin American-Statesman, via Associated Press

MINEOLA, Tex. — On Super Tuesday, Dale Clark voted for a local Republican who claimed on social media that President Obama had worked as a gay prostitute in his youth, that the United States should ban Islam, that the Democratic Party had John F. Kennedy killed and that the United Nations had hatched a plot to depopulate the world.

Mr. Clark, 75, was unaware that the candidate he had supported — Mary Lou Bruner, 68, a former kindergarten teacher running for a seat on the State Board of Education — held such views. But as he sat with his wife eating lunch in this East Texas city, Mr. Clark was ready to give Ms. Bruner the benefit of the doubt.

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The perils of turning 26: when US millennials lose their parents’ healthcare

Stephan:  The reason I was not particularly supportive of Obamacare was that it did not address the fundamental problem in the United States which is we don't have a healthcare system we have an illness profit system. The point of the entire complicated corporate structure is profit, not wellness. As a result, if facts are the basis for reaching conclusions, we have a lousy system that costs as much as twice what any other system in the world costs. More than that, like our crumbling highway system it is filled with potholes one of which is what happens when your kids turn 26 and can no longer be on your policy. He is a good assessment of that situation. Every other developed country in the world can manage universal healthcare and a system whose function is to support and enhance wellness. Ask yourself: Why is it the United States can't manage this?
Chanel White

Chanel White

Chanel White is dreading her 26th birthday. It is not ageing itself that she’s worried about; what she fears is losing her parents’ health insurance.

White, 24, is one of several million young people in the US who were able to be put on their parents’ insurance scheme after Barack Obama’s 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) was introduced, extending the age at which people “aged out” of a parental scheme from 18 to 25.

For White, such coverage was crucial. Months before her wedding in 2011, and at the age of just 19, she realised she was very sick. Her hands had been swelling and turning purple, her joints hurt and she was losing her hair.

She was soon diagnosed with the debilitating and potentially life-threatening autoimmune disease systemic scleroderma. She had to undergo an invasive procedure to open up her blood vessels and had a finger amputated. There were countless appointments with doctors and specialists to help figure out […]

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What New Delhi’s free clinics can teach America about fixing its broken health care system

Stephan:  India with three times our population and one third our wealth, as this report describes, is creating wellness oriented free medical clinics. The U.S. can't seem to do this, because there is little or no profit in it.
Rupandeep Kaur receives treatment at one of New Delhi’s free medical clinics. Credit: Vivek Wadhwa

Rupandeep Kaur receives treatment at one of New Delhi’s free medical clinics.
Credit: Vivek Wadhwa

Rupandeep Kaur, 20 weeks pregnant, arrived at a medical clinic looking fatigued and ready to collapse. After being asked her name and address, she was taken to see a physician who reviewed her medical history, asked several questions, and ordered a series of tests including blood and urine. These tests revealed that her fetus was healthy but Kaur had dangerously low hemoglobin and blood pressure levels. The physician, Alka Choudhry, ordered an ambulance to take her to a nearby hospital.

All of this, including the medical tests, happened in 15 minutes at the Peeragarhi Relief Camp in New Delhi, India. The entire process was automated — from check-in, to retrieval of medical records, to testing and analysis and ambulance dispatch. The hospital also received Kaur’s […]

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Plastic-eating bacteria could help make trash disappear

Stephan:  This looks like very good news; there appears to be a bacterium that will eat the kind of plastic that pollutes the world ocean, and countless landfills. The full paper, A bacterium that degrades and assimilates poly(ethylene terephthalate) discussed in this report was published in the 11 March 2016 issue of Science.
Plastic waste washed up on the beaches of Haiti. Credit: Coastalcare

Plastic waste washed up on the beaches of Haiti.
Credit: Coastalcare

A durable plastic called PET is considered a major environmental hazard because it’s highly resistant to breakdown. But researchers have found a potential new match for this hardy plastic: a newly discovered microbe that is astonishingly good at eating it.

An estimated 342 million tons of plastic are produced annually worldwide, and currently, only about 14 percent is collected for recycling, according to the World Economic Forum.

Most plastic degrades extraordinarily slowly, but PET — short for polyethylene terephthalate — is especially durable, and about 61 million tons of the colorless plastic was produced worldwide in 2013 alone, according to the researchers. [In Photos: World’s Most Polluted Places