is currently set for debate before the state’s GOP-stacked Judiciary Committee. If it is approved and signed by Governor Brownback, it will permit
whether the law is blatantly Unconstitutional, violative of existing laws, or […]
Brian Sonenstein, - Shadow Proof
Stephan: It's not just that Texas does crazy things with its government; it's that there is such a nasty streak to so much of it. This report describes the latest manifestation, although we mustn't forget the new head of the Texas book commission who is a Creationist who thinks President Obama worked as a homosexual prostitute.
Children in the hands of U.S. Immigration
At the very end of the day on Friday, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission quietly lowered its standards for licensing childcare facilities. The decision paves the way for for-profit immigrant family detention centers in the state to remain open by bringing them in compliance with a federal court order.
According to the terms of a 1997 settlement agreement [PDF], children taken into custody by U.S. immigration officials could not be held in secure, unlicensed facilities. Nonetheless, the Obama administration renewed the mass detention of immigrant families in 2014.
The administration had defended the practice of incarcerating children with their parents by arguing it was better to keep families together. It also crudely argued there was no acceptable state licensing procedure for federal detention centers, so it couldn’t comply with the order that they be licensed.
Federal Judge Dolly Gee disagreed [PDF] with President Obama’s justifications and ordered the administration to cease its detention of children in unlicensed facilities in June 2015. This meant immigrant families like those held in two Texas family prisons, the Karnes County Residential Center and the South Texas Family Residential Center, had to […]
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Stephan: Here is this week's first massacre, the 44th mass killing by guns in the U.S. since the first of January. Mass murders have become so commonplace you may not have even heard of this one. Or perhaps it rated a couple of 30 second mentions on the news you watch. Anyway, just business as usual.
I have a rather different view, which is why I am pointing this event out. We are having an epidemic; if these deaths were the result of some exotic virus, people would be running around in semi-hysteria. Remember the introduction of AIDs in 1981? I do and I will never forget it.
A mourner leaves candles at a makeshift memorial on the steps of the scene of the shooting.
Credit: John Heller/Post-Gazette
Five people were killed and three injured in a shooting at a backyard barbecue and house party in Wilkinsburg, a Pittsburgh suburb, late Wednesday night, according to local police.
Local police said there were at least two shooters, and police are still searching for them, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. Neighbors reported dozens of gunshots — one man said 26; another woman said the shooting continued for at least a minute.
Police haven’t said what the motive for the shooting was, nor have they identified suspects. Wilkinsburg is a relatively high-crime area. It had the second-highest murder rate in Allegheny County in 2012.
This isn’t the first mass shooting in Wilkinsburg, a town with only about 16,000 people. In 2000, a man named Ronald Taylor went on a shooting […]
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