Stephan: Today I was a Bernie Sanders delegate at the county Democratic caucus. I will have more to say about caucuses and the caucus vs. primary options at another time. What I want to share now is a conversation I had as I was leaving after a long day in an auditorium where it was dim and musty, while outside it was bright, warm, and beautiful. A woman in her late fifties or early sixties, who at a glance I would have guessed was a Republican, came up to me. She introduced herself, and said she was an SR reader. Before coming to the caucus she had read the piece I ran about Iraq in yesterday's edition. We talked about it for a moment when she suddenly said, "Why aren't they in jail? I ask myself that. It's like the banks. You can't run a country without honor. We're a military family. My youngest was killed on his second tour, my favorite nephew, his best friend, walks with a cane. Bush, Cheney and the rest; they're all happily retired. I particularly dislike Cheney because I know he's draft dodger. He never served in war, none of them did. They're murderers, they just got kids like my son to pull the trigger." I was struck by her passion, and I agreed with it. She walked away then turned and looked back, "And we're still at it. Why? What has it given us?"
I came home and sat down to do today's edition and saw this report -- a synchronicity I took seriously.
Credit: Reuters/AP/Jason Reed/Luis Alvarez/Kevin Lamarque/Filipe Frazao via Shutterstock/Photo montage by Salon
The allegations against the man were serious indeed.
* Donald Rumsfeld
said he was “if not the number two, very close to the number two person” in al-Qaeda.
* The Central Intelligence Agency informed Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee that he “served as Usama Bin Laden’s senior lieutenant. In that capacity, he has managed a network of training camps… He also acted as al-Qaeda’s coordinator of external contacts and foreign communications.”
* CIA Director Michael Hayden would tell the press in 2008 that 25% of all the information his agency had gathered about al-Qaeda from human sources “originated” with one other detainee and him.
* George W. Bush would use his case to justify the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation program,” claiming that “he had run a terrorist camp in Afghanistan where some of the 9/11 hijackers trained” and that “he helped smuggle al-Qaeda leaders out of Afghanistan” so they would not be […]
Thank you for sharing this and for sharing your conversation with the woman at the caucus. It is all so discouraging, yet we need to have the data and articles like this one made public. It is hard to stand against something when what you know is not much more than a hunch with little or no proof. When the Bush administration went on national TV to justify going into Iraq, I “knew” it was BS, but no proof.
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld should all be water-boarded so they can tell the truth.