Displayed is a baby box at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia on May 6, 2016. In an effort to reduce infant mortality the boxes which are functioning bassinets complete with essential baby supplies will be given to all mothers. Credit: Matt Rourke/AP

Displayed is a baby box at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia on May 6, 2016. In an effort to reduce infant mortality the boxes which are functioning bassinets complete with essential baby supplies will be given to all mothers.
Credit: Matt Rourke/AP

Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia has started an initiative to help reduce infant mortality rates. The hospital is providing each new mother who delivers at the hospital with a baby box, which is a functioning bassinet complete with a sheet and mattress.

“We weren’t sure how people were going to react to putting their babies in a box, but it’s been an overwhelmingly positive response,” Dr. Megan Heere, assistant professor of pediatrics at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, told ABC News today.

The hospital began distributing the boxes on Tuesday, […]

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