Tiny hairs detect the electric field and communicate with the nervous system
Credit: ALAMY
Bees are drawn to flowers by an invisible electric field as well as their bright colours, a new study has shown.
Scientists at the University of Bristol have found the insects use tiny vibrating hairs to sense the static electricity and guide them into the sources of pollen.
Hairs move rapidly in response to the electric fields, sending messages to the nervous system.
Dr Gregory Sutton, from the university’s School of Biological Sciences, said the bees’ hair danced in response to the electric fields in the same way human hair reacts when a balloon is held to the head.
“A lot of insects have similar body hairs, […]
In 2010 Smart Meters were installed in my neighborhood in Northern CA. From what I understand we were the first in the country to get them. I noticed a dramatic disappearance of not only bees, but spiders, mosquitoes, butterflies and birds. I noticed the neighborhood go completely silent for a month and then slowly some came back. It’s 2016 and they have never come back to the way they were. It’s heartbreaking.
I’ve stopped using wireless and only use a cellphone when I travel or in an emergency. If I need to be in touch with someone I will keep the phone on airplane mode and check it. I don’t believe this technology in its current form is safe for humans either. We are just starting to find out how finely tuned our bodies and minds are to the environment. You can’t take millions of years of evolution and in less than 20 years completely change the background radiation level by transmitting a unique artificial pulsed and modulated data carrying frequency and expect no biological changes.
Here are a few studies on bees and electromagnetic fields.