Woman mistaken for transgender harassed in Walmart bathroom

Stephan:  This is the fourth story I have seen in a week on women who had short haircuts, or who weren't dressed in particularly feminine attire who have been verbally and even physically assaulted by Republican men and women who took them either for lesbians, or transmen.  All of this, of course, arises from the ignorant hate that is so much a part of the Republican profile. Is this really the America you want to live in?
Aimee Toms’ has a pixie haircut because she recently, for the third time, donated her hair to a charity that makes wigs for child cancer patients. Credit: newstimes

Aimee Toms’ has a pixie haircut because she recently, for the third time, donated her hair to a charity that makes wigs for child cancer patients.
Credit: newstimes

DANBURY – Aimee Toms was washing her hands in the women’s bathroom at Walmart in Danbury Friday when a stranger approached her and said, “You’re disgusting!” and “You don’t belong here!”

After momentary confusion, she realized that the woman next to her thought – because of her pixie-style haircut and baseball cap – that she was transgender.

Toms believes the incident happened because of the national controversy sparked by a law that was passed in North Carolina attempting to force transgender people to use the bathroom of the gender they were identified as at birth. Since then, religious conservatives have launched a boycott of Walmart competitor Target, which has said transgender people are welcome to use its bathrooms freely. Nationally, Walmart […]

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From belief to resentment in Indiana

Stephan:  A reader in Indiana sent me this story with this comment, "Stephan, I read SR everyday and have seen the stories you have run about the decline of the middle class for which I thank you. But it is much worse than you seem to realize. I live in Huntington, and this article will give you a small sense of what our world is like here. The well-being of workers doesn't mean sh*t to the corporations. They discard us like old Kleenex."
One of several shuttered factories in Huntington, Ind., a town of 17,000 where for generations such goods as baby shoes, ice cream cones, barbecue grills and dentures were made. Credit: Michael Robinson Chavez/The Washington Post

One of several shuttered factories in Huntington, Ind., a town of 17,000 where for generations such goods as baby shoes, ice cream cones, barbecue grills and dentures were made.
Credit: Michael Robinson Chavez/The Washington Post

HUNTINGTON, INDIANA — Chris Setser worked a 12-hour graveyard shift while his children slept, cleaned the house while they were at school and then went outside to wait for the bus bringing them home. He stood on the porch as he often did and surveyed the life he had built. The lawn was trimmed. The stairs were swept. The weekly family schedule was printed on a chalkboard. A sign near the door read, “A Stable Home Is A Happy Home,” and now a school bus came rolling down a street lined by wide sidewalks and American flags toward a five-bedroom house on the […]

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‘Emails. Clinton. Scandal’: my three days listening to nothing but rightwing media

Stephan:  One of the hallmarks of American politics is not just the yawning chasm between conservatives and social progressives but their perceptions of the world and the information upon which they base their world views. I read a lot of Theocratic Rightist publications and this report in the British newspaper, The Guardian, gives an accurate representation of what I mean. These are really parallel universes. And what this reporter particularly noted, as have I, is the sense amongst conservatives that White people are under constant attack, and are discriminated against. That this is absolute drivel is in a sense irrelevant because facts are not dispositive on the Right. It is what the Theocratic Right believes and, on that basis, they make decisions.
Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh

If you read the Guardian, the chances are you don’t spend that much time reading Breitbart, or Red State, or listening to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity.

If you get most of your news from Facebook, then you might not be exposed to those sources much, either. Gizmodo reported on Monday that Facebook employees had deliberately filtered out conservative sources from its trending bar. Facebook has denied allegations of bias.

To find out what I might be missing, I have spent the last three days getting all my news from conservative media. I got rid of my lamestream media apps and went straight to the angry, rightwing source.

One of most startling things I learned is just how willing the federal government is to waste taxpayers’ money. On […]

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Could a gluten-free diet in kids do more harm than good?

Stephan:  I don't know about you, but for Ronlyn and myself, giving a dinner party has become bizarrely complicated. Everything we serve is organic, non-proteins mostly come out of Ronlyn's gardens, so you would think it would simple to put a healthy acceptable menu together. Nope. So and so doesn't eat this, we can't have that entré. Can we have a pie for desert (Ronlyn is a master baker). No, so and so doesn't eat that.  How about one of your gelatos? Not a chance. So and so doesn't eat dairy. It's a mine field, and the truth is most of it is nonsense. Less than one per cent of the population, for instance, actually has gluten issues. And what many don't recognize is that these food biases can actually have negative effects. Here an example of what I mean.

Placing children on a gluten-free diet without consulting a physician could be damaging to their health, medical experts warn.

Gluten-free diets are critical for people living with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder in which ingesting gluten — a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye — leads to damage in the small intestine. There is no treatment available for the disease and currently the only therapy is adhering to a gluten-free diet.

An estimated 1 percent of Americans live with celiac disease. That number has been growing in recent years — likely because of increased awareness and improved detection. However, that increase does not account for the explosive growth of the gluten-free food industry. Millions of people now shun gluten even though there’s no medical reason for them to do so.

A recent survey of more than 1,500 adults in the U.S. found that the most common motivations for going gluten-free were “no reason” and the belief that it’s somehow a “healthier option.”

Now, some health care providers raising concerns about the growing trend. A new commentary published in The Journal of Pediatrics specifically addresses the potential risk for children whose parents place them on a gluten-free […]

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How Elon Musk exposed billions in questionable Pentagon spending

Stephan:  The amount of waste of tax payer money by the Pentagon is literally so large it can't be calculated. The Pentagon hasn't had a proper audit in decades. The F-35 is one example, and Elon Musk has now pulled back the curtain on another. The military space program. The one constant in all of these disclosures is that a small group of vampire corporations have been draining away tens of billions of dollars each year, and every year. And no one, no administration, seems to be able to get control of this wastage.
An Elon Musk Space X launch

An Elon Musk Space X launch

Elon Musk’s SpaceX had to sue before it got access to the Pentagon — but now, as it promises to deliver cargo into space at less than half the cost of the military’s favored contractor, it has pulled back the curtain on tens of billions in potentially unnecessary military spending.

The entrenched contractor, a joint operation of Boeing and Lockheed Martin called the United Launch Alliance, has conducted 106 space launches all but flawlessly, but the cost for each is more than $350 million, according to the Government Accountability Office. SpaceX promises launches for less than $100 million.

Yet despite the potentially more cost-effective alternative, taxpayers will be paying the price for ULA’s contracts for years to come, POLITICO has found. Estimates show that, through 2030, the cost of the Pentagon’s launch program will hit $70 billion — one of the most expensive programs within the Defense Department. And even if ULA is never awarded another government […]

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