Fate of Louisiana coast could be determined by Antarctica ice melt

Stephan:  The Republican legislators and the previous governor Bobby Jindal  may not believe in climate change. But for the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast political delusion has confronted reality and reality has won. As this report spells out the coast of Louisiana is doomed unless a much more serious climate remediation effort is undertaken immediately.  This is really scary stuff. I am running this piece not because there is lots of new information, but because it represents a shift in the trend, and it is being driven by ordinary people.
Credit: The New Orleans Advocate

Credit: The New Orleans Advocate

Donald Boesch and Virginia Burkett, coastal researchers with Louisiana connections, are widely respected for their expertise on why the state’s coast is rapidly being flooded by the Gulf of Mexico, as well the 50-year, $92 billion effort to stop this disaster.

Both believe the success of the Coastal Master Plan could depend on how the world reacts to recently released research. The study doesn’t involve levees, sediment diversions, oil and gas canals or any of the other issues usually debated when Louisiana’s coastal plan is discussed.

It concerns Antarctica,  4,100 miles away.

The research presents evidence that the world and Louisiana face a stark choice:

Keep global temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius  (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100 and little will change in Antarctica, which means sea-level rise could be manageable and Louisiana’s coastal plan might succeed.

Fail at that goal, and the result could be a sudden, dramatic melting of ice on Antarctica, adding another 3 feet to current predictions of […]

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Dogs Hate Hugs, Study Suggests

Stephan:  For those of you who have dog friends, this may be helpful.
Woman hugging her dog, who is not enjoying it. Credit: www.care2.com

Woman hugging her dog, who is not enjoying it.
Credit: www.care2.com

If you love your dogs, you should hug them, right?


In an article published in Psychology Today, psychology professor and neuropsychological researcher Stanley Coren argues that most dogs are actually stressed out by hugs.

The study analyzed 250 Internet photos of people hugging their dogs, scanning for for known signs of anxiety in the dog, including turning their head away, showing the whites of the eyes and slicked back ears.

Coren’s data revealed that 82 percent of dogs in the photos showed at least one of those signs of stress. About 8 percent of dogs seemed happy with the hug and the remaining 10 percent appeared neutral or showed an ambiguous response toward the gesture. (emphasis added)

“Dogs are technically cursorial animals, which is a term that indicates that they are designed for swift running. That implies that in times of stress or threat the first line of defense that a […]

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Baghdad in State of Emergency After Supporters of al Sadr Storm Green Zone

Stephan:  We have spent nearly a trillion dollars on the war in Iraqi, and are currently spending every hour $117,000 of taxpayer money. And this is where we are. Oh, and remember Muqtada al-Sadr? The young Shiite cleric who founded the Mahdi Army, and became a power in 2003? He's back at the end of this assault on the Green Zone, the special enclave where the supposed government and the U.S. embassy are sited? George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the other imperialist neocons have a lot to answer for. They are world historical villains.
Followers of Iraq's Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr gather in the parliament building as they storm Baghdad's Green Zone after lawmakers failed to convene for a vote on overhauling the government on April 30. Credit: AHMED SAAD / Reuters

Followers of Iraq’s Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr gather in the parliament building as they storm Baghdad’s Green Zone after lawmakers failed to convene for a vote on overhauling the government on April 30.
Credit: AHMED SAAD / Reuters

Iraqi officials declared a state of emergency for all of Baghdad on Saturday after protesters loyal to popular Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr breached the heavily fortified Green Zone, home to government buildings and foreign embassies, including the American one.

“Iraq security authorities have declared a state of emergency in Baghdad,” said Brig. Gen. Saad Mann, a spokesman for the Iraqi military. “All gates that lead to Baghdad are closed. No one is allowed to enter into Baghdad, only those who want to leave Baghdad can do so.”

Hundreds of demonstrators occupied the country’s parliament, according to a senior Iraqi […]

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Orally Administered Cancer Drugs See Spike In Cost

Stephan:  Here is yet another story of the vulture capitalism of the pharmaceutical industry. Why this is not a national scandal on everyone's lips I do not know. Consider this from the report: "Those drugs from more than a decade earlier cost $1,869 a month on average, compared to the $11,325 for those approved in 2014." These are drugs for largely dying patients, the lack or morality is staggering. Once again: we spend more on healthcare, vastly more, than any other country on earth. Our drugs costs orders of magnitude more than any other developed country. Yet we are ranked 37th in a nation-by-nation comparison by the World Health Organization. We are allowing a small group of people and corporations to destroy our individual and social wellbeing to feed their greed.
Oral cancer drugs have become significantly more expensive compared with those from 15 years ago, according to a new study. The research provides insight into rising drug prices in the U.S., particularly among specialty medications. Credit : Jonathan Silverberg/Flick

Oral cancer drugs have become significantly more expensive compared with those from 15 years ago, according to a new study. The research provides insight into rising drug prices in the U.S., particularly among specialty medications.
Credit : Jonathan Silverberg/Flick

New cancer pills have become significantly more expensive upon their market entry compared with those from 15 years ago. These high introductory prices prove to be a cause of concern given that medication costs rapidly climb over time.

The average cost of orally administered cancer treatments has risen dramatically — six times more than those introduced in 2000 — even after prices were adjusted for inflation. Those drugs from more than a decade earlier cost $1,869 a month on average, compared to the $11,325 for those approved in 2014. (emphasis added)

“The major trend here is that these products are […]

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Trump-Sanders Phenomenon Signals an Oligarchy on the Brink of a Civilization-Threatening Collapse

Stephan:  This is a very insightful and important essay, with which I am in agreement. I urge you to take the time to read it because the events its describes are upon us. Voting and encouraging everyone you know to vote for wellness is one way you can stop the breakdown.

“The collapse of urban cultures is an event much more frequent than most observers realize. Often, collapse is well underway before societal elites become aware of it, leading to scenes of leaders responding retroactively and ineffectively as their society collapses around them.” –  Sander Vander Leeuw, Archaeologist, 1997

Dr. Sally J. Goerner

Dr. Sally J. Goerner

The media has made a cottage industry out of analyzing the relationship between America’s crumbling infrastructure, outsourced jobs, stagnant wages, and evaporating middle class and the rise of anti-establishment presidential candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Commentators are also tripping all over one another to expound daily on the ineffectual response of America’s political elite – characterized by either bewilderment or a dismissal of these anti-establishment candidates as minor hiccups in the otherwise smooth sailing of status-quo power arrangements. But the pundits are all missing the point: the Trump-Sanders phenomenon signals an American oligarchy on the brink of a civilization-threatening collapse.

The tragedy is that, despite what you hear on TV or read in the paper or online, this collapse was completely predictable. Scientifically speaking, […]

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