Climate scientists are now grading climate journalism

Stephan:  The United States is crippling the world's response to climate change because it is the only developed nation, and the richest nation at that, to have one major political party that denies climate change exists, as well as an active corporation disinformation operation. Obama has done as well as any President with a dysfunctional nonperforming Congress could, I think. But it is nowhere near adequate to the actual task.  And journalists as a group have certainly not covered themselves with glory. I think the Guardian is the best English language newspaper in the world. It maintains its quality because it is run by a foundation and is not beholden to anyone other then the foundation, which is committed to journalistic excellence. Here is an example of the kind of reporting I mean, and the sad story of climate change journalism.
Credit: Alamy

Credit: Alamy

The internet represents an extraordinary opportunity for democracy. Never before has it been possible for people from all over the world to access the latest information and collectively seek solutions to the challenges which face our planet, and not a moment too soon: the year 2015 was the hottest in human history, and the Great Barrier Reef is suffering the consequences of warming oceans right now.

Yet despite the scientific consensus that global warming is real and primarily due to human activity, studies show that only about half the population in some countries with among the highest CO2 emissions per capita understand that human beings are the driving force of our changing climate. Even fewer people are aware of the scientific consensus on this question. We live in an information age, but the information isn’t getting through. How can this be?

While the internet puts information […]

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