Police And Prison Guards Fight Calif. Marijuana Legalization With Big Money

Stephan:  Marijuana prohibition was largely the creation of  a morally despicable but bureaucratically skillful Federal official, Harry J. Angslinger. He was a creature of Alcohol Prohibition who had made a living overseeing busting bootleggers. His agency was about to be abolished which would leave him without a job, so he went to a group of racist Southern senators and sold them reefer madness, a drug associated with Jazz -- which already alarmed the old racists -- that made innocent young White women sexually pliable to be used by.... wait for it... Negroes.  They ate it up, and the U.S. Treasury Department's Federal Bureau of Narcotics was born with who else, Harry Anslinger as its first Commissioner, a job he held until 1962.  It was a bureaucratic coup: everyone  stayed on the job, he got promoted, and the main effect was that Black Americans were milked of their money in fines and confiscations, and put into prisons, a new kind of servitude. Marijuana Prohibition is and always has been a utter moral fraud. And nowhere is the venality and corruption of those whose ricebowls depend on its continuance more blatant than in California. Legalization will mean the end of seizures which police departments all over the state use to fund themselves. There will be fewer prisoners. The need for prosecutors will go down. Here is the story of who is mainly funding the opposition to legalization, and why. If you live in California speak up about this.  
 Harborside Health Center employee Gerard Barber stands behind medical marijuana clone plants at Harborside Health Center in Oakland, Calif. Law and order may soon be coming to the Wild West of Weed. A California lawmaker has introduced legislation to regulate the state’s free-wheeling medical marijuana industry, the farmers that grow the drug, the hundreds of storefront shops that sell it and especially the doctors who write recommendations allowing people to use it. Credit: AP /Jeff Chiu

Harborside Health Center employee Gerard Barber stands behind medical marijuana clone plants at Harborside Health Center in Oakland, Calif. Law and order may soon be coming to the Wild West of Weed. A California lawmaker has introduced legislation to regulate the state’s free-wheeling medical marijuana industry, the farmers that grow the drug, the hundreds of storefront shops that sell it and especially the doctors who write recommendations allowing people to use it.
Credit: AP /Jeff Chiu

SACRAMENTOAs California prepares to vote on marijuana legalization, most of the opposition is coming from major beneficiaries of […]

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Up against strict laws, Texas women learn do-it-yourself abortions

Stephan:  This was as predictable as the sunrise. As the Theocratic Right sought to take control of a woman's body in Texas, women turned to other options. This time though they had another choice than coat hangers, and this report describes the result. If you know someone who could use it who lives in a Red value state perhaps they would like to read this. And here is the Women on Waves site that gives good instructions, the report doesn't quite get it right. So on balance I take this as good news.

NEW YORK — Susanna was young, single, broke and pregnant in southern Texas where, thanks to the state’s strict laws, her chances of getting a surgical abortion at a clinic were slim to none.

So she did what an estimated 100,000 women or more in Texas have done – had a self-induced abortion.

With the help of a friend, some online instructions and quick dash across the Mexican border for some pills, she addressed the issue of unwanted pregnancy in a state where women are finding abortion services too expensive and too far away.

Restrictive laws took hold in Texas in 2013, forcing so many clinic closings that fewer than 20 remain to serve 5.4 million women of reproductive age.

Supporters of the laws say they protect women’s health. The regulations require clinics to upgrade to hospital standards and doctors performing abortions to have formal agreements to admit patients to local hospitals.

But experts say that if the U.S. Supreme Court upholds Texas’ restrictive abortion laws, the numbers of self-induced abortions will escalate.

So far, the number of Texas women who have taken that option could be as high as 100,000 to 240,000, depending on how it is calculated, experts say.

“We certainly hypothesize that if there […]

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Child sex sting nets two Tennessee pastors and 30 others

Stephan:  This trend linking clergy to sex abuse doesn't stop. I don't go to church to begin with so I have very little interaction with clergy except for the occasional academic at a conference, and those individuals aren't Theocratic Rightists. Fundamentalists don't go to the conferences I speak at or attend, and this is mostly about Theocratic Rightists of course. We have a mental health crisis going on in this country, and elsewhere to be sure, but it is becoming a real issue in the U.S.. It's not well known because our media -- with the exception of Roman Catholic clergy -- won't report on it  as a trend only as a singular event, this report being an example.  But it is clearly a significant problem. My research suggests about 10-15 per cent of police are bullies, racists, and thugs drawn to the job because it allows them to push people around under color of authority. Just so about 10-15 per cent of the ordained are drawn to the clergy because of their obsessive sexual dysfunction. A collar gives them an appearance of piety and allows them access to children. One thing we have learned from these sordid scandals is that it is hard for a child to say, "No" to God's representative.  
Jason Kennedy, left, and Zubin Parakh were among 32 people arrested in an undercover sex sting operation in Tennessee. Credit: Knox County Sheriff's Office

Jason Kennedy, left, and Zubin Parakh were among 32 people arrested in an undercover sex sting operation in Tennessee.
Credit: Knox County Sheriff’s Office

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has released the names of 32 men and women who were arrested in an undercover sting targeting a human trafficking and prostitution operation that preyed upon the residents of Knoxville.

Among those arrested in “Operation Someone Like Me”: A volunteer firefighter, an engineer — and two church pastors who responded to online ads for what they thought were for girls under the age of 18, according to the TBI.

One of the pastors netted in the three-day sting was the leader of the children’s ministry at Grace Baptist Church. That man, identified as 46-year-old Jason Kennedy, was charged last week with patronizing prostitution and trafficking and has since been fired by his church.

“We are held to a higher standard,” Grace Baptist’s senior pastor Ron […]

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Daughters of former conservative hero testify against him in molestation case

Stephan:  I am running this story because it shows this same child sex abuse trend is also linked to the White "Patriot" movement Remember the Minutemen down on the Mexican border; this is the co-founder.
Chris Simcox, co-founder of the Minutemen "Patriot" movement.

Chris Simcox, co-founder of the Minutemen “Patriot” movement.

Three of former border militiaman Chris Simcox’s daughters testified against him in the former Republican candidate’s sexual molestation trial.

Simcox is representing himself in his trial on six counts of child molestation and furnishing pornography to minors, although he’s not allowed to question the children he’s accused of abusing, reported the Phoenix New-Times.

However, the border vigilante cross-examined his adult daughter — who accused him of molesting her decades ago, when she was a child.

Linsey Randich, now 33, testified that she spent summers with her father in California, as part of a custody agreement after her parents divorced when she was 2 years old.

She told jurors that Simcox, who was then a kindergarten teacher at the private Wildwood School in Los Angeles, had fondled her genitals while hosing her off after swimming at the beach — even though she was 10 years old and old enough to clean herself.

Randich said her father again fondled her genitals four years later, […]

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Navy Allowed to Kill or Injure Nearly 12 Million Whales, Dolphins, Other Marine Mammals in Pacific

Stephan:  This is a ghastly report demonstrating everything that is wrong with our cultural view of nature -- something we have dominion over and can exploit as we wish. The world ocean is dying. Report after report describes the collapse of the fisheries the world over, and the death of the coral reefs that are the ecosystem's nurseries. All of this is occurring because of human stupidity, greed, and ignorance and our children will pay a fearsome price for policies such as this one.
A whale swims in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Maui, on December 21, 2014. Credit: Derek

A whale swims in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Maui, on December 21, 2014.
Credit: Derek

What if you were told the US Navy is legally permitted to harass, injure or kill nearly 12 million whales, dolphins, porpoises, sea lions and seals across the North Pacific Ocean over a five-year period?

It is true, and over one-quarter of every tax dollar you pay is helping to fund it.

A multistate, international citizen watchdog group called the West Coast Action Alliance (WCAA), tabulated numbers that came straight from the Navy’s Northwest Training and Testing EIS (environmental impact statement) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Letters of Authorization for incidental “takes” of marine mammals issued by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service.

“It is outrageous to think that humans have quantified all of the impacts their actions cause to the marine environment.”

A “take” is a form of harm to an animal that ranges from harassment, […]

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