Of all professionals in the U.S., doctors experience some of the highest rates of burnout: the feeling of being so emotionally exhausted from work that you start to feel indifferent about those you’re serving. More than half of doctors feel this way, recent research shows.
If that sounds like a bad thing for people whose job it is to heal others, it is. (Check out TIME’s in-depth investigation into doctor stress for more.) Studies have linked burnout to a rise in unprofessional behavior, a drop in patient satisfaction and a greater chance that a doctor will make a major medical error.
There’s no one cause for doctor
burnout, but a new
study published in
Mayo Clinic Proceedings has found a major one: the increasingly electronic nature of medicine. The digital parts of doctoring, like maintaining electronic health records, were linked to physician burnout.
Like many of us, doctors are spending more and more time in front of their screens. Health records are now maintained electronically and doctors submit medication […]
Thursday, June 30th, 2016
, - University of Portsmouth (U.K.)
Stephan: A significant breakthrough has occurred in our ability to model spacetime.
The results of this research have recently been published in the journal
Physical Review D.
A visualisation of galaxies floating on the curved spacetime sea. Cosmological researchers are developing a model of the universe using Einstein’s full general theory of relativity equations to create the most precise and detailed representation of the cosmos ever
Credit: James Mertens
Research teams in Europe and the USA – including a cosmologist from the University of Portsmouth – have begun modelling the universe for the first time using Einstein’s full general theory of relativity.
The teams have independently created two new computer codes they say will lead to the most accurate possible models of the universe and provide new insights into gravity and its effects.
One hundred years since it was developed, Einstein’s theory remains the best theory of gravity, consistently passing high-precision tests in the solar system and successfully predicting […]
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Wednesday, June 29th, 2016
Stephan: Part of the reason Brexit occurred was unresolved migration. Part of the reason for the rising Rightist atavistic nationalism is the migration of Middle Eastern Muslims into Europe. Migration is one of this century's meta-trends. And what we have seen so far is nothing to what is coming. Here is just one piece of the puzzle we can expect.
Melting polar ice may le
ave 30 million people in Bangladesh without homes by the end of the century as sea levels are expected to rise by about a metre around the world. (emphasis added)
A climate march in Dhaka expressing solidarity ahead of the Paris Climate Summit. Photo: AFP
A new documentary, called Thirty Million, looks at what will happen to those people in Bangladesh, where more than 17 percent of the land is expected to disappear by the end of the century.
The nation of 160 million people is feeling the effects of rising tides right now.
The documentary’s co-director, Adrien Taylor, told Sunday Morningthat makes it the country most vulnerable to climate change.
“When you’re living in Europe, one degree, two degrees, doesn’t make a massive difference.
“But when you’re living on the fringe, in the Bay of Bengal which is incredibly prone to cyclones and sea level […]
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