Two-thirds of PBJ readers said earlier this year the lawsuit was justified.The city of Portland has joined a case that charges Monsanto favored “profits over ecological and human health.”

Portland becomes the eighth American city to file against Monsanto. The case relates to PCBs, of which Monsanto “was the sole U.S. manufacturer,” (emphasis added) according to a release touting the case.

The city began exploring whether to join the suit earlier this year. Two-thirds of those responding to a PBJ poll on the issue said Portland was justified in taking legal action.

“Portland’s elected officials are committed to holding Monsanto accountable for its apparent decision to favor profits over ecological and human health,” said Tracy Reeve, Portland’s city attorney, in a release. “Monsanto profited from selling PCBs for decades and needs to take responsibility for cleaning up after the mess it created.”

Portland joins the California cities of San Jose, Oakland, Berkeley, San Diego and Long Beach, along with Seattle and Spokane, in filing the case. The city filed the matter in U.S. District Court.

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