The retirement fantasies of relaxing on a porch swing or travelling around the world still exist, just not in this country.
Europe, however, dominated the top spots, with Norway at No. 1, followed by Switzerland and Iceland. New Zealand ranked No. 4 and Sweden rounded out the top 5, Natixis said.
With more retirees around the world responsible for their own financial security, the countries that ranked the best had policies in place to ensure access to individual or work-based savings programs, according to David Goodsell, who directs investor research for Natixis.
Recent public spending in top-ranked Norway has bolstered the nation’s pension plans, helped in part by the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund. Other high-ranked countries, like New Zealand and Australia for example, have moved to universal, mandatory retirement savings plans.
Meanwhile, the United States ranked 14th for retirement security, according to the report.
Despite benefiting from high per-capita income, stable financial institutions, low inflation, and low unemployment, the […]
For our country to catch up to Norway or Switzerland in these categories would take decades if we’d ever catch up at all. Maybe a century. Not only do these countries have good health care systems, they also have healthy lifestyles, good health to begin with, healthy environments and healthy emotional and mental health. And healthy attitudes with liberal, truth seeking mindsets. All a recipe for fantastic health. Unfortunately we are way off target on all these categories. You could have the health systems from Star Trek and never catch up. In my opinion, that’s how far behind we are and many are the reasons for it. The desire for good health by all of us and that a lot of it rests on how we live will help the health care systems keep us in tip top shape.