Neanderthals once populated the entire European continent. Around 45,000 years ago, Homo neanderthalensis was the predominant human species in Europe. Archaeological findings show that there were also several settlements in Germany. However, the era of the Neanderthal came to an end quite suddenly.
Based on an analysis of the known archaeological sites, Professor Jürgen Richter from Collaborative Research Center 806 — Our Way to Europe, in which the universities of Cologne, Bonn and Aachen cooperate, comes to the conclusion that Neanderthals reached their population peak right before their population rapidly declined and they eventually became extinct.
Neanderthals lived in the Middle Paleolithic, the middle period of the Old Stone Age. This period encompasses the time from roughly […]
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Stephan: Roger Ailes was just the alpha sexist at Fox News; here is some more of the story. It illustrates once again that one of the foundations of social conservatism is an assumption of sexual power: that men have a license to sexually dominate women, and exact punishment when they do not yield. Most social liberals decry this, as they should, but miss the equally important point: tens of millions of women buy into this, support it, and vote conservative.
In 2006, after nearly a decade at CNN, Rudi Bakhtiar came to the Fox News Channel’s headquarters in New York with a command of foreign policy, an appealing personality and a delivery that easily switched between light and serious.
After a six-month freelance arrangement, the network signed her to a three-year deal. Pretty quickly, she said, she was spending half her time in Washington, where the network sent her to fill in temporarily as a weekend correspondent, a post she hoped to win permanently.
Her break seemed to come in early 2007, she said, when she met for coffee in the lobby of her Washington hotel with a friend and colleague, Brian Wilson. He told her he would soon become Washington bureau chief and wanted to help her get the weekend job. Then he said, “You know how I feel about you, Rudi.”
Recalling the encounter in a recent phone interview, Ms. Bakhtiar said she was thrilled and told Mr. Wilson she would make him proud. But, she said, he repeated himself, asking, “You know how I feel about you?” When she asked him what […]
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Aaron Rupar, - Think Progress
Stephan: I am still in Europe and have been making a point to talk to as many people as I can. From this side of the Atlantic the general view seems to be the United States has gone insane. As one elderly man told me, "It reminds me of the way my parents talked of Germany and Italy when I was a boy."
My take is: if you want to know what Fascism looks like the Republican National Convention gives you a pretty good take. That the kind of things reported in this article, as well as many other similar accounts are routinely said and cheered leads me to conclude that we are watching the end of the America in which we grew up. What is coming no matter who wins the election, and the latest polls suggest it is a toss-up, will be a very different country.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump listens at left as Al Baldasaro, a New Hampshire state representative speaks.
RNC delegates and convention-goers can buy merchandise calling Hillary Clinton a “bitch” and a “tramp.” On both Monday and Tuesday, the floor has broken out in chants of “lock her up!” Listening to the speaker after speaker spend a significant chunk of their time denouncing Clinton, one might be led to believe hating on Hillary is an official plank in the Republican Party’s platform.
GOP Leans In To Misogyny During Convention
But on Tuesday, Trump adviser Al Baldasaro took things to another level. Baldasaro, a Republican state representative from New Hampshire and a retired Marine Sergeant who advises Trump on veterans issues, went on Jeff Kuhner’s radio show live from the RNC. Asked about whether he believes Clinton is responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi in 2012, Baldasaro didn’t mince […]
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Steven Rosenfeld , - Alternet
Stephan: Here is the platform of the Republican Party in 2016.
The Republican Party platform is a wish list for what Republicans in Congress and Donald Trump would like to impose on America. What’s surprising is that it goes further to the right than what’s even been heard on the campaign trail from Trump as he has promised to build a wall along the Mexican border and embrace the religious right’s long-held tenets opposing abortion, LGBT rights and more.
The GOP 2016 platform would make Christianity the official American religion, English the official American language, replace sex education with abstinence-only advice for teenagers, privatize almost all areas of federal services, cut taxes and regulations for the rich and titans of industry, and impose a belligerent foreign policy and military build-up.
Here are 50 excerpts from the 2016 GOP platform.
1. Tax cuts for the rich: “Wherever tax rates penalize thrift or discourage investment, they must be lowered. Wherever current provisions of the code are disincentives for economic growth, they must be changed… We propose to level the international playing field by lowering the corporate tax rate to be on a par with, or below, the rates of other industrial nations.”
2. Deregulate the […]
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