With the Internet as its promulgating agency, and social media exploiting the vulnerabilities, ignorance has become pandemic. Perhaps this is a logical evolutionary progression, but at no time in history has the public become so susceptible to the spread of willful ignorance, intentionally deceitful lies, and blatant stupidity. As some elements of falsehoods are skillfully crafted on one hand, but gullibly accepted on the other, rumors prevail in a fact-free world in which even seemingly intelligent people frequently respond with the resonating, yet dangerous refrain: “I don’t care!”

Millennia ago, from our humble ancestral beginnings as hunter-gathers, the Agricultural Age emerged. As centuries passed, technology slowly evolved and yielded the Industrial Age. Then, technology accelerated, advancing at an ever-increasing pace and as data became dominant transcended into the Information Age. Unexpectedly, it appears, the tsunami-like exponential explosion of information has devolved into the Age of Ignorance. As agriculture before it, farming did not cease to exist as industries became preeminent, and industries continued but were subjugated by information. So too does information continue to be present in the Age of Ignorance which was spawned by critical failures of control and permeated the boundaries […]

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