BOULDER, COLORADO — More grocery shoppers are seeking out and trying “better-for-you” foods, especially dairy- and meat-free alternatives, according to a new national health food study by Earth Balance. Two thousand consumers were polled for the study, which looked at which new foods they’re trying, their top motivators and trends in healthy eating.
While the better-for-you food trend is not new, its growth does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. In fact, when asked which factors are most important to them when shopping for food, respondents said buying local (37%), organic (33%) and non-GMO (30%) are key. Additionally, Americans are more willing to try better-for-you-foods, with the study showing the most-tried are healthy […]
Our local Martin’s food store even has their own brand of organic foods now; a very healthy trend, indeed. We grow organic kale and have so much that we give it to anyone who who wants it because it grows right through winter. We even picked it in February, before replanting; it’s so easy to grow and so good for you, even our doctors and nurses like it when I bring them some.