Anyone who attended one of Bernie Sanders’ rallies during the Democratic primary campaign knows what the central issue was behind his call for “political revolution.” There was one unifying factor that drove Sanders’ unexpected groundswell of support, and that crystallized all the themes of economic inequality and social injustice he repeated in stump speech after stump speech. Not by coincidence, it was also the most prominent issue on which Hillary Clinton ultimately felt compelled to move almost all the way to Sanders’ position, after repeatedly insisting that she disagreed with him. That issue was the cost of a college degree, perhaps the most visible symptom of a far-reaching attempt by the super-rich and their ideological allies to reshape public education to serve their interests.
Saturday, September 10th, 2016
The right’s war on college: “Starving the Beast” exposes the fight to destroy America’s great public universities
Author: Andrew O'Hehir
Source: Salon
Publication Date: Friday, Sep 9, 2016 08:24 AM PDT
Link: The right’s war on college: “Starving the Beast” exposes the fight to destroy America’s great public universities
Source: Salon
Publication Date: Friday, Sep 9, 2016 08:24 AM PDT
Link: The right’s war on college: “Starving the Beast” exposes the fight to destroy America’s great public universities
Stephan: The Republican Party does not like public university education for the masses. Why? Because the more educated people are the more likely they are to be wellness oriented social progressives. The party has become dominantly a White nativist authoritarian cohort -- Donald Trump is the leader. It is in this group's interest to degrade and limit education, just as it is in their interest to gerrymander, and attempt voter suppression. They cannot compete on a level playing field.
This story presents the education aspect. The only solution to this is more voting by the Wellbeing Cohort. And with thanks to Bernie Sanders for bringing college education into the public conversation.
At a certain point in every rally, the Vermont senator would ask young people in the crowd to call out how much they owed […]