Homes along Osborn and Mystic Islands in Little Egg Township
Credit: Craig Matthews
People may need to move from the coast in the next few decades if sinking land combines with potential sea rise as some scientists predict, according to a nonprofit looking for ways to minimize losses due to floods.
And planning should start now on how to discourage coastal development, said New Jersey Future Planning Director David Kutner.
But such talk has been controversial.
The group’s message was met with strong emotions from residents of Tuckerton and Little Egg Harbor Township at a meeting with New Jersey Future last week, as homeowners already are worried about falling property values.
New Jersey Future is developing recommendations for changes to the Coastal Area Facilities Review Act, which regulates coastal development, under a grant from the state Department of Environmental Protection, Kutner said.
About 35 people attended the meeting at the Jacques Cousteau Coastal Center in Tuckerton to discuss ways of […]