Saturday, September 17th, 2016
Stephan: You rarely hear about the Homo Superior research in American media, it would take away from the wall-to-wall Trump coverage, and we can't have that.
However, other countries have a broader idea of what constitutes news and they are beginning to take this trend very seriously.
Imagine a person who can play tennis like Andy Murray, think like Professor Stephen Hawking and can live to 150 – all in a body that looks and feels like it belongs to a 40-year-old.
With human bioenhancements, this vision of a ‘superhuman’ could become a reality in fewer than a hundred years.
This is according to expert in the social and cultural impacts of technology, Professor Michael Bess, who told MailOnline exactly how he thinks technology will enhance humans in the future.
With human bioenhancements, a ‘superhuman’ could become a reality in fewer than a hundred years, an expert has said.
Human bioenhancement technologies fall into three main categories: pharmaceuticals, bioelectronics, and genetics.
Through the use of pharmaceuticals, we are learning how to control our moods, boost our physical and mental performance, increase our longevity and vitality, Professor Michael Bess from Vanderbilt University says.
Through prostheses, implants, and other bioelectronic devices, we are not only healing the blind and the paralyzed, but beginning to reconfigure our bodies, enhance our memories, and generate entirely new ways of interacting with machines.
Through genetic […]